Chapter Two

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"What do you say to that, my brothers?" I asked

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"What do you say to that, my brothers?" I asked. "I say, let's show these puppets what it means to fight for justice!"

"Fucking yes!" Boom laughed before he snorted his snot back up and spewed it out. "I say yes to slaughtering the puppets, and if I pop off today, know that I considered it an honor to fight by your side instead of against you."

"Oh, you'd pop off soon anyway," Ston replied, slapping the old man's meaty back. "At least now you're doing it in style."

Kill or be killed. Those were the options when a few hundred orcs were forced to stay together in a space without exits. And as I was looking at the opponents, I figured I could still make up a plan to increase our chances of survival. We were with far more men than the soldier sons were, which was to my advantage, whereas they were probably physically stronger.

Thoughts raced through my mind while adrenaline raced through my veins. I wasn't scared to fight them, to break bones, or to lose a tooth or two. Physical pain didn't bother me that much and I knew my brothers felt the same.

There was a hint of fear inside me, though. I knew now that fights were different when you had people waiting for you at home.


"Yes, commander?"

"I want a third of us to look for exits, and two-thirds to stay here and battle. You arrange the former," I ordered.

"Yes, commander."

"As for the rest of you," I growled, squeezing the handle of my weapon. "Kill all of them, but leave the leader for me."

For a moment, I considered throwing my weapon straight at that scar decorating his forehead, but I decided the big guy was not going to die by the metal blade of my ax. I would end him with my hands.

There was also the idea of burying it in his son's leg as a starter, but I couldn't do it. I might break Fidor's leg later though, as he should still be punished for misleading me. I was convinced he felt miserable about doing it, but that wasn't enough.

But kill him, I would not.

"Except the young ones," I added, shouting so my men could hear. "Just knock them out cold until I decide what to do with them."

"What?" Cagan asked. "You need to wipe them out, all of them, to make sure none of them will avenge their father when they're—"

"I said knock them out and we will deal with them later!"

"Fucking fine," he groaned.

He had given me his word to follow me in this battle, so I knew he would. Cagan might be an ass, but he was an honorable ass.

"Then let's fucking get to it..." I raised my arm, aiming for the guy standing beside the leader. He would be my target. "And let's finish this battle by ending them."

Orc Of Mine, Book Three: The Battle Royal EXCERPTWhere stories live. Discover now