Chapter Nine

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Getting inside the house was harder than we'd anticipated

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Getting inside the house was harder than we'd anticipated. There were a few handfuls of soldier sons outside, guarding the place with their lives. And even though we finished them off within a few minutes, we lost three more brothers in the process.

Once inside, we found multiple council families, but Johan and Gerard were not among them. Their families—the head families—were missing. They abandoned these people and went into hiding themselves. How weak. How fucking weak. I couldn't say it surprised me, though.

The humans were scared. Of course, they were. They were screaming and trying to flee out the door. We didn't let them, and we showed no mercy either.

We took their children away, dragging them outside as they cried and screamed like little pigs. Men were finished off by a swing of our claws, cutting through their carotid arteries, while we killed the women by twisting their delicate necks.

Again, it took a few minutes to complete the task, and when we were done, the room was decorated with corpses that lay scattered across the floor, and the walls were splattered with blood

So many deaths in mere minutes, but I didn't feel anything. I felt none of the feelings I'd felt underground, when I'd killed all those soldier sons. There was no remorse or pity now because they had it coming.

"Where's your father hiding?" I asked Zachary as we left the mess on the ground floor behind us and stepped into a long hallway.

"He was still down here when I left, but he has a s-sealed room." The man was all pale and sweating.

At the end of the hallway, stairs caught my eyes. "Is it upstairs?"

"Yes, it—it is—" Zachary gagged once. Twice. "Ex—excuse me."

He turned to the other side and threw up against the wall, the contents of his stomach dripping down the stone surface. I'm sure it was no fun for him to see how the other humans were massacred right in front of him. To hear their anguished screams and smell their blood. To know he would soon be the one to undergo the same fate.

I was going to kill him in front of his father.

"Such a weak stomach," Cagan said, stopping to look at the man puking his guts out. "And that while we were gentle with them. Do you think I would normally twist a neck? No way. I'd rip their heart out or bite their neck in half. And they'd deserve all of it."

Zachary glared at the orc when he was done vomiting. His blue-green eyes were all watery and bloodshot.

"Deserved or not..." He stood up straight, his legs shaky. "They were still the people I lived with all my life. So pardon me for feeling sick after seeing them die."

Cagan smiled. "Touching story."

Sigrid stepped next to Zachary, offering him her handkerchief. Her hand was trembling just as much as his.

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