Chapter Three

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The fight between the other leader and me seemed to have no end. Both he and I had received some heavy blows that had left our bodies bloody and battered.

Most of my men—the ones done fighting—had gathered around us and were stomping their feet on the ground, cheering, growling, and grunting. There were a few brothers still fighting the last opponents, but that battle would soon be over, as we were clearly on the winning hand.

I didn't know if I was on the winning hand, though...

He attacked again, making me fly backward as his colossal body slammed into mine. The ground scratched my skin, and a cloud of dust rose around me. I collected myself, wanting to crawl back up, but there was no time, for he was already flying toward me. His fist smashed into my jaw, knocking my back against the ground.

Fuck, that blow hurts like a bitch.

When he went to strike me again, I rolled over. His fist pounded the ground instead of my face. He growled and glared at me as I jumped back on my feet.

It felt as if the bastard had punched off half of my face. I touched it while we circled each other, eyes locked. I was pretty sure he had never fought against someone on his level, but neither had I. This man was a fucking beast, the strongest of all the soldier sons clan. The strongest orc I'd ever fought in my life.

"Don't you ever wonder where your so-called father keeps your women?" I asked, trying to distract him as we both waited for the other to let his guard down. "Or how horrible he treats them?"

He huffed. "Our women lead a good life in the other city... A life of comfort."

It still amazed me how well these brutes spoke the human language. It also amazed me how ignorant they were.

"Comfort? Is that what he says?" I laughed before spitting out some blood. "Is that what he promises you in exchange for your help? Your council leader really is a funny little man."

"Do not mock him." The orc bared his teeth. Drool mixed with blood dripped from his tusks.

"And I bet he gives you some human sluts in exchange," I said. "For your comfort."

The orc stood still. I halted my feet as well, knowing his attack would come soon.

"My men have needs too," he answered. "Father Johan knows that, and I'm sure you know that too. There's nothing wrong with having an occasional warm soft body next to you."

"Oh, how unfortunate for the women who had to come here."

"We did not harm any of them. We respect all humans."

"Oh, I'm sure you didn't, but I'm sure he killed them right after they visited you... You do realize that, don't you? That fucker wouldn't take the risk of women blabbing about his secret orcs living underground. Not a soul may know about your existence. It's why you were never allowed out of this place. Isn't that so?"

The scar on his forehead wrinkled. "Shut up."

"You don't want to hear it, but if he treats his own women that way, do you think he treats our orc women as if they're special, living in another city in fucking luxury?" I scoffed at the idiocy. "And you? You think you're special too? You're not. You're slaves. All of you are nothing more but a bunch of filthy orcs in his eyes. Just like me, just like my brothers."

His eyes turned to slits, muscles in his body flexing. "He told us you would come here, talk lies, and try to infect our brains with them."

"You've lost this battle, anyway," I replied. "And you're okay with that. You're okay with death. That's the path you chose and the path you will walk, so what would be the point in me lying to you?" I asked.

Orc Of Mine, Book Three: The Battle Royal EXCERPTWhere stories live. Discover now