Chapter Eleven

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I stood in front of the small window in our bedroom, deep in thought, dragging Orvar's large wooden comb through my hair

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I stood in front of the small window in our bedroom, deep in thought, dragging Orvar's large wooden comb through my hair. In my other hand, I held his pillow, pressed against my nose.

Skye was sleeping soundly in her crib. I looked at her when she made the cutest sound which I could only describe as a soft baby growl. I chuckled, appreciating her a little more before my eyes went back to the trees and the sky outside. There were many clouds today and they were all beautiful; puffy white with blue-gray edges. Orvar always liked it when they blocked the sun as they did now.

Orvar, Orvar, Orvar. He was all that was on my mind. We only had such a short time together before all this drama.

I inhaled his scent. It wasn't the first time I did this. Whenever I had a moment to myself, I would pick up his pillow to sniff at it. It made me feel better. It comforted me. Most emotional episodes and tears had stopped by now, and I was beginning to feel more like myself again, which made me happy and relieved. But sometimes, I just needed him. This was at least something of him.

"Are you coming home today?" I whispered.

It had been a week and a half since he left, and we had gotten word that he was coming home soon.

Four days ago, one young Azuk orc named Asutir, had returned home from the mission. He was alone, arriving early to give an update on how things went, and to inform us that Orvar would visit Hube's place to check up on the wounded before he and the rest would return home. The wounded had to gain back their strength first. It would take a few days, he'd said. But how much was a few days? I'd hoped for two, maybe three. Now, I hoped for four.

Asutir also notified us about Ston's accident, which was quite a shock to us all. Betsy had fainted when she'd heard, and she was still crazy with worry ever since. I probably would have responded the same way if it was my man. I felt so bad for her and his kids, and I prayed that Ston would survive his injuries and come home with a beating heart.

Luckily, Betsy had something to distract her, as she was very invested in making the orc women feel at ease with us. She and the other women had forbidden me to get involved, as I was still recovering, but I had met some of the orc women. They were afraid at first, but even after just a few days, they were doing so much better. Even Jarla said so.

As I turned around, wanting to put the comb away, something drew my attention outside. It was in the far distance, in the valley, even behind the trees.

I blinked a few times. Was my mind playing tricks on me? Or was that moving speck far, far away really a group of orcs?

The sound of a horn echoed through the mountains. And another one. And an even louder one. And I knew I wasn't the only one looking out of the window. It was indeed the orcs, coming back home!

A huge grin spread across my face.

"Are they here? Are they back? Can you see them?" Betsy's voice shrieked through the corridor, before she stormed into my room.

Orc Of Mine, Book Three: The Battle Royal EXCERPTWhere stories live. Discover now