Chapter Sixteen

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In the morning, I went to visit Beatrice to ask her if she was willing to do a quick check-up on me

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In the morning, I went to visit Beatrice to ask her if she was willing to do a quick check-up on me. Of course, she wanted to help.

"Take place on the bed, sugar," she said, slapping her hand on top of the sheets a few times. "I'll wash my hands first. I just got new water, so that's convenient timing."

As she washed her hands in the bucket next to the bed, I lay down, lifted my skirt, and opened my thighs. Spreading my legs was no longer an awkward task for me, as there was nothing Beatrice hadn't seen before.

After the inspection, she told me I was ready to start being intimate with Orvar again.

I grinned from ear to ear. "That's great news!"

"I'm sure your man will agree." She chuckled while cleaning her hands again. "Have you had your first monthly bleeding already? I don't think so, hm?"

I shook my head, sitting up straight. "I haven't, but that's not a bad thing, is it?" In my memories, my sisters didn't bleed for months after having a baby.

"No, no!" she hurried to say, drying her hands with her apron. "It's not a bad thing at all! It was just a question. You give milk, so it can take months before your first bleeding will return, but it doesn't have to be that long." She took place next to me on the bed. "You might be able to conceive again, just so you know that."

"I can?" I asked, a little surprised. "That quickly?"

"Yes. Elite women sometimes become pregnant right after they give birth. For us town girls getting pregnant twice in one year isn't really an option as we don't usually attend the Breeding Moon twice in a row. But yes, it can happen."

"Well..." I shrugged. "I guess if it happens, it happens."

She nodded. "There isn't much you can do about it, anyway. Not if he sprays his seed inside of you."

I wanted it inside. And more importantly, Orvar wanted that. I knew that filling me with his seed was one of the things he loved the most.

"We will welcome any child that Luna grants us," I answered.

"I know." She smiled, looking at me with the same admiration a mother would look at her daughter. "I'm proud of you, Gyda. You're a good mother. A natural."

"Thank you."

Beatrice sighed. "Oh, I can't wait for my own grandchildren to arrive!"

"I feel the same." I was so curious about those little ones.

Beatrice held her hand in front of her mouth and yawned. "I'm... sorry," she said, in the midst of yawning. "Ugh, I'm just so exhausted. The night was too bloody short."

I hadn't noticed her tired face before because all that was on my mind was finding out if my body was ready to sleep with Orvar again, but now that I properly looked at her, I saw what she meant. She was pale and had black circles under her eyes.

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