Chapter Six

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When I was finished snooping through Asclan Peak's breeding moon documents, Skye and I went to visit Betsy in the nursing room

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When I was finished snooping through Asclan Peak's breeding moon documents, Skye and I went to visit Betsy in the nursing room.

Betsy laughed when I told her about my newest discovery. "I'd like to see his reaction when he gets back and hears he has a daughter!" She looked at Skye, sleeping on my lap. "And also the cutest granddaughter!"

I was curious about his reaction as well. I'd only spoken to him a few times, but he seemed like a nice man. When we first met, he tried to make me feel at ease with humor and kindness, which I found a valuable trait in a person. He seemed curious too, which made me wonder if I got that from his side.

"I've often thought about my father, wondering if he was still alive," I replied. "And now I know who he is."

"And that he's very much alive!" Betsy said. "That man has the stamina of a young god!"

"Uh... Yes, I'm happy he's alive too," I said, smiling.

Betsy pulled her nipple out of Happ's mouth. A few drops of milk came spilling from his mouth. She held him up straight and close to her, rubbing over his back, waiting for his burp. "It must have been his first breeding night, considering his age."

I looked at Happ. "Oh, gosh, Betsy. This is so stupid, but I just realized that this would also make Happ my brother."

Betsy cackled. "Yes, sugar! Just connected those dots?"

"Yeah, I don't know. There is so much in my head lately." It felt weird, in a way. "Did he ever tell you about that first night?"

"He did... and, well, I don't think he liked the woman all that much, but she had good hair, so that's why he picked her."

"Yeah, I can imagine my mother wasn't the most enthusiastic candidate..." Also thinking about Ston and Mom doing... I cleared my throat.

"After what your mother did to Orvar, and to you, I'd say she's a huge bitch, love."

Betsy was always honest. I smiled softly. "I can't disagree with that, but at least it felt like she loved me, so I can't really hate her for making mistakes. And I must forgive her."

"You're a soft and forgiving lady," Betsy stated. "A strong one, too. I'm not so forgiving myself, but I have to agree that your mother did one thing right. She raised one amazing daughter."

I smiled. "As did your mother."

"Ugh, my mother is a bloody cunt, and I hate her! Let's not talk about her."

"Okay... Uh... Do you think Ston will like it? That he's my father, I mean." Gods, it was still so weird to call him that. "Because I know orcs usually don't see women as their daughters or mothers or sisters, but I believe Asclan has turned into a special place with orcs and women living in harmony. And if orcs can have wives and orc daughters"—I looked at Skye, still sleeping against my breast—"then maybe I can be the human daughter of an orc father."

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