Chapter Eighteen

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Betsy looked at me over the rim of the wooden bowl as she sipped the last of her soup

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Betsy looked at me over the rim of the wooden bowl as she sipped the last of her soup. After swallowing and placing the bowl back on the table, she cocked her head. "Gyda...?"

"M-hm?" I hummed, my mouth full of lentil soup.

"You've been smiling and blushing the entire time. There's something on your mind, I can tell. Do share your thoughts with your sisters, if they're something good."

I tried not to grin, but a wide smile appeared on my face again.

I'd been dying to tell them that I could finally be intimate with Orvar again, but I hadn't had the chance yet with all the other topics of discussion. Today had been so busy and our dinner conversations were mainly about Dek and Sigrid's farewell and about Yeis and Vildon's departure, who had left with some other men to pick up the children. And of course about the visit to Bazur and meeting the orc women.

The latter was quite a unique experience. Not only had it been special to meet the women—who'd honestly captured my heart the same way the men had—but it was also great seeing Orvar with them. Just thinking back about how he'd handled things today made me proud as a peacock. He was amazing with Binsa.

But there was also something else happening inside of me when I saw him being so caring. Or when I witnessed him being such an amazing leader. Or when I saw him with Skye, tending to her needs and nurturing her. I loved my man to death, but whenever he was being a good leader, a good man, or a good father, it felt as if I could just burst from all that love I felt. Like my heart would explode from adoration.

And from passion too. Because it made me want him more than ever, and it made me want to please him more than ever, too. I think I only realized the effect it had on my sexual desire today. Or perhaps I just felt this way because I was missing him inside me.

"Gyda!" Amira giggled. "Tell us, girl!"

I placed my spoon back and wiped my mouth clean with a napkin. "Beatrice told me that Orvar and I can finally be intimate together again. So tonight, I want to surprise him. I just hope Skye will sleep well and not come in between—"

"What?" Betsy hissed. "No, no, no. Don't wait until tonight, love. Give that little princess to us and go surprise your man!"


"No! No buts. In fact, give her to me right now," she demanded, turning her chair towards me and opening her arms.

I looked at her, a little confused. "You mean Orvar and I know... like, now now?"

"Yes, love, now." She looked at Orvar, who was drinking mead with the others, over by the window. It was common for the women to sit close to the fire and for the men to sit in the late evening breeze. "He's long done eating, anyway. You should go to him and tell him he needs to come with you because you need to show him something that cannot wait."

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