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The headquarters of Goga National Bank was situated right in the heart of the Golden Triangle. Occupying the top four floors of the Root Tower, it shared the building with the headquarters of the Reincarnations Guide, Azot, and Zola.

Seizing an opportune moment when they had already completed a deal to acquire a TV channel and two radio stations, the wicked trio effortlessly replaced the bank's three executive bodies. In a matter of days, they assumed leadership positions overseeing these projects.

The Guide took charge of the television division, responsible for broadcasting all programs, films, series, and radio shows, while also overseeing the expansion of the bank's network. Azot led the Department of Methodological and Creative Assistance, focusing on crafting engaging texts for television and radio programs. Meanwhile, Zola headed the marketing, sales, and development department.

Even before Azot came up with the bank's slogan, "High while you're alive," Zola had brilliantly devised an immoral loan product known as "Here and Now." The people, however, nicknamed it the "Hangover Credit," as it targeted not only those living from paycheck to paycheck but also former alcoholics and drug addicts trying to suppress their cravings.

"All you need is a passport, and your dream will come true," echoed the advertisement from the blue screen.

The Guide reveled in the booming credit issuance, as he read reports from regional heads on the proliferation of credit and cash centers opening in almost every grocery store across the city. The expansion of these new branches, along with the disbursement of hangover loans, grew exponentially, ensnaring a significant portion of the city's population in a web of debt.

The headquarters of the bank within the Root Tower held strategic significance for the Guide. Prior to its discovery by the trio, he had installed a repeater, which detected feelings of anxiety and the desire for communication with their dark world.

With control over the television company and radio stations, amplified by the repeater, corrupting people and turning them into regenerates became even easier for the Guide, Azot, and Zola. They were well aware that virtually every household, not just in this city but throughout the country, owned a television or radio.

Bank Goga swiftly became the sponsor of its own TV channels and radio stations. TV shows, films, and series went into production, subtly incorporating themes of alcohol, foolishness, stupidity, sex, and drugs. In the guise of comedy, they insidiously planted positive images of drunkards, prostitutes, homosexuals, and lesbians into people's minds.

Azot oversaw the scripts, ensuring that the heroes of the screen and airwaves spoke in obscene words, incomprehensible jargon, and even openly used foul language, distorting the Russian language.

Initially, it appeared amusing to many, but soon it ceased to be a laughing matter. Children and students across the city began to emulate Azot, adopting not their native language but the language of thieves.

The Guide, Azot, and Zola turned the relay to full power, driven by their wicked and malicious intentions to win the impending battle. Their cunning plan aimed to instill false values that would erode generations, starting with the impressionable youth and even children, ultimately leading people to their own destruction.

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