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In the evening after work, Alexei walked, holding his girlfriend, Mirra, by the arm. They passed by the church, and Mirra suggested going in to pray, as she had not attended Sunday service for half a year. Alexei agreed since he hadn't been to a liturgy in a long time. The church was nearly empty, with only the priest and one blind parishioner confessing. After praying, Alexei and Mirra decided to confess as well and stood in line behind the blind man.

As they waited, a little dust flew into the temple, and Alexei sneezed, unintentionally startling the blind man. The blind man turned around and accidentally hit Alexei with his white cane on the forehead. Instinctively, Alexei pushed the blind man away, but quickly realized what had happened and apologized to both the blind man and the rector. They accepted his apology, and as the church was closing, the rector invited Alexei and Mirra to come tomorrow morning or before the evening service to confess.

On their way home, Mirra suggested buying some meat for dinner, and she planned to cook pot roast. They purchased groceries and encountered Valeria Shtof, the wife of Alexei's boss, Stanislav Sergeevich. Valeria was a self-confident woman in her forties, always paying attention to her physical and intellectual development. Alexei couldn't help but notice her strange disappearance three months ago, as if she evaporated into thin air. Valeria inquired about her husband's presence in corporate circles, but Alexei had no news to share.

Valeria offered Alexei a ride home since they lived in the same area, and Mirra playfully nudged him to accept. During the car ride, Alexei couldn't help but feel uneasy. Upon reaching their apartment building, Valeria asked Alexei to accompany her to her apartment since it was late and she was afraid to go alone. Reluctantly, Alexei agreed, and they walked together in silence. Along the way, they encountered some of Alexei's former classmates, and Valeria seemed to understand his discomfort.

Inside Valeria's apartment, she offered tea with goat's milk, and Alexei made a joke that she understood and smiled at. However, during their conversation, Valeria's hand twitched noticeably. When Alexei asked if she was okay, she admitted not feeling well. Suddenly, Valeria collapsed to the floor, experiencing a seizure. Alexei acted quickly, turning her on her side and calling for an ambulance. The seizure subsided, and Valeria regained consciousness before the paramedics arrived.

The doctor urged Alexei to find Valeria's relatives or friends to provide support and care. However, Valeria's husband had recently passed away, leaving her with no immediate family nearby. After the doctor left, Alexei comforted Valeria, who expressed her gratitude for his help. Feeling it was time to leave, Alexei checked his watch and realized he should be free soon.

As he prepared to leave, the doorbell rang, and Alexei was shocked to see Stanislav Sergeevich standing before him, drenched and steaming. Stanislav Sergeevich ignored his wife and urgently asked Alexei to talk to him.

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