The Fear of Rejection

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 Eunhyuk feels the caress of sunlight on his face. It's gentle light filters through the curtain like rays of ribbon. Eunhyuk awakes, smiles, and turns over to find Donghae not there.Eunhyuk sits up quickly and looks around the room frantically, but to no avail .He still doesn't find him. Just then Donghae enters the room with a tray. Relieved, Eunhyuk smiles at Donghae. "I was worried", said Eunhyuk. Donghae replies comfortingly, "Why sweetie?" Blushing and feeling foolish Eunhyuk replies, "I thought you left or that I just dreamt all of it." Donghae smiles Eunhyuk's lips very gently, "I decided to make you breakfast." Eunhyuk blushes and takes one of the peach buns offered to him. Smiling with his mouth full, Eunhyuk hugs Donghae lovingly.

    After breakfast Donghae and Eunhyuk get ready for the day. Much to Donghae's distaste, Eunhyuk instisted on walking, or rather limping as it turned out. Eunhyuk and Donghae both had a voice lesson that day. Eunhyuk being mainly a dancer was usually unattentive for vocals. Only when rapping was involved did Eunhyuk give more care. Eunhyuk liked how he was able to accentuate rhythm while rapping. To him rapping felt like a vocal dance. His voice instructor had Ye Sung come into his class today. Ye Sung as talented as he is, might need to get back to basics.

    After all the warm ups, Eunhyuk could tell that Ye Sung's vocals far surpassed his own. Eunhyuk wondered why he was back in the basics class. He soon found out why. "You don't always need to power through everything, it makes you sound hard and sloppy", said the instructor. After repeating this many times, she finally decided to focus on Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk knew what made him better than Ye Sung. He could follow direction. Eunhyuk thought, "I may not be as naturally talented as Ye Sung, but I am a better student, and that will get me farther than raw talent." Eunhyuk began pushing his limits and showing off. After the lesson Ye Sung frustrated and Eunhyuk pleased thay decided to walk to lunch. "Yesterday after you fell, Donghae didn't return to class", said Ye Sung suspiciously. Eunhyuk smiled and said, " I fell asleep when he was still in my dorm so after that I don't know what happened." This prodded Ye Sung to ask more questions. "He seemed... really protective and caring, a little too caring." Eunhyuk replies, "What is your point Ye Sung." He didn't mean to get defensive but he did anyway. Ye Sung replies vehemently, "All I'm saying is he should have taken you to your dorm and come back." "He needn't have stayed." Ye Sung and Eunhyuk part ways.

After sitting down and starting his lunch, Donghae slides onto the bench next to him. "How did you day go so far", said Donghae. Eunhyuk told him about voice class and what happened after. Donghae laughs and says, "hmm not even together for 24 hours and someone is already jealous." Eunhyuk smiles and teases Donghae, "Well not everyone can be like me and attract such sweet, good-looking, sensitive guys." Donghae caresses Eunhyuk's cheek and smiles brightly. They continue with their lunch oblivious to the world outside of their intimate bubble.

    After a quick and hidden good-bye kiss Eunhyuk sets off for a hosting class. Eunhyuk sees Ye Sung once again. This time they had to host a mock show together. After what happened at lunch this was not going to be easy.

    As things got started, Ye Sung went into a cold and impassave state. He interacted as little as possible. When addressing Eunhyuk he almost spat the words at him. It seemed as if Eunhyuk had commited a terrible wrong-doing. Eunhyuk thought to himself, "I hope he hasn't found out about us." "I don't want any drama in my life." Eunhyuk tried to think back to see if he could remember Ye Sung anywhere throughout the day, but could't remember much.

    After their presentation, Eunhyuk pulled Ye Sung aside. "Have I done anything to upset you." Ye Sung looked at Eunhyuk with watery eyes. The tears on the rim threatened to spill over and cascade down his face. Ye Sung replied with a shaky voice, "I went to check on you after practice ended." Eunhyuk's eyes opened wide with surprise. Ye Sung continued, "I never thought I would see you like that with a man." "I can't believe you're corrupted too." Eunhyuk started crying, luckily it was raining outside. Using the rain as a cover up, Eunhyuk began sobbing uncontrollably, for Ye Sung was Eunhyuk's first friend at the SM Entertainment training center. Sure Eunhyuk had other friends, but none were like Ye Sung.

    After walking in the door to his dorm, shivering and soaking wet, Donghae grabbed Eunhyuk a change of clothes and a blanket. Still crying Eunhyuk buried his face in Donghae's sculpted chest and was serenaded sweetly. After calming down a bit, Eunhyuk told Donghae what happened between him and Ye Sung. Donghae suprised Eunhyuk with some very wise words that helped him stop hurting so much. After an intimate kiss, Eunhyuk and Donghae fell asleep in each other's arms again.

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