Correcting Mistakes II

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    Sungmin noticed dried, brown blood underneath Kyuhyun's bandages. He carefully took off the tape, grabbed the sterile gauze, dipped in the water pan, took off the old gauze, and dabbed the stiches on Kyuhyun's wrist. "How are you doing that without waking him?" Sungmin looked up at the young nurse and smiled, "I was training to be a doctor before I wanted to be a singer." The nurse smirked, "You really care about him don't you." Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun's hand, "I don't know what I'd do without him." The nurse looked down, "Maybe you'd do what you did before you knew him?" Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun's pale face, "I've forgotten how and I don't mind." The nurse hesitated a little before replying," I'll let you finish up." Sungmin grabbed some clean gauze and re-bandaged Kyuhyun's wrist. Sungmin bent down and whispered in Kyuhyun's ear, "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back.

    When Sungmin returned there was a bouquet of lilies on the bedside table. Puzzled, Sungmin picked up and read the post-mark. "Sorry you're not doing so well. I hope you feel better." Sungmin put the post-mark back and went to the nurses station. Sungmin leaned against the bright fuschia counter as he waited. Sungmin squeezed a little hand-sanitizer on his hands, and he inhaled the stinging odor. Finally a nurse returned to the counter, "Did you see anyone besides me visit Cho Kyuhyun? The nurse looked at Sungmin and then replied, "There was another young man who visited just a little while ago." Sungmin looked back towards the room and muttered a thank-you. Sungmin returned back to the room and picked up the post-mark again. A folded piece of paper fell out. The note read, "Meet me underneath the big willow tree in the courtyard." Sungmin already knew who it was from.

A few moments later Kyuhyun stirred and woke up, "What's that paper?" Sungmin folded the piece of paper nonchalantly, "It's a shopping list. Someone brought you these wonderful lilys." Kyuhyun knew Siwon brought them. Siwon knew they were his favorites, but Kyuhyun couldn't tell if Sungmin knew SIwon brought them. Sungmin bent down and kissed Kyuhyun's head, "I'm going to go in to town to pick up a few things. Kyuhyun nodded. Sungmin asked, "Are you going to be okay?" Kyuhyun nodded again. Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun's hand, "Alright, I'll be back later. I love you." Kyuhyun replied, "I love you too." With that Sungmin left and, Kyuhyun fell back asleep.

_____________________________________________________________________________A/N: Hi guys, I know it has taken me a while to update. I apologize for that. I hope you are enjoying my story. I'm thinking about starting a vamire Super Junior fan-fiction. I want to hear you're thoughts on the subject. Anyways thanks for reading, and I can't wait to update (^-^) 

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