Ye Sung's Apology

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    After waking up to Donghae's kisses, Eunhyuk gets up and starts to make some breakfast. After hearing a knock at the door, Eunhyuk calls out, "Come in!" Sungming glides in the door catching his reflection in the mirror. He takes a moment to appraise himself. Medium length black hair, slightly pale skin, Dark brown eyes, and slender form. He turns and heads into the kitchen. He sees Donghae give Eunhyuk a kiss on the cheek. After making a slight gagging noise, Sungmin says," So this is your infamous boyfriend." "Gotta say he's really cute." Donghae blushes. Eunhyuk gives Sungmin a dirty look. Sungmin glides over and hugs Eunhyuk warmly. "I was just teasing", said Sungmin. Eunhyuk rolls his eyes and says," Donghae this is Sungmin, Sungmin this is Donghae."

    After exchanging pleasantries, Donghae, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk sit and talk while they wait for the food to finish cooking. Sungmin, trying his best not to flirt with Donghae, is up to what he does best. Which is talk about himself. This makes it easier for Eunhyuk to not tell about what happened with Ye Sung. Thinking about Ye Sung still hurts, but not as bad as it used too. Interrupted in mid-thought Sungmin asks about Ye Sung. With tears in his eyes and a shaky voice, Eunhyuk proceeded to tell Sungmin what had happened. The rest of breakfast was mostly silent.

    Being Eunhyuk had been lucky enough to not see Ye Sung all day, he and Donghae went to go get check-ups by the physician. Walking into the lobby, Donghae and Eunhyuk spot Ye Sung at the same time. Ye Sung glanced up from his magazine and then looked right back down. No big scene between enemies but hardly a scene between friends either. Luckily Donghae, and Eunhyuk were seen right away and together.

    Ye Sung wasn't necessarily afraid of gay people, it was just that he was unsure of his own sexuality. Ye Sung thought if he immersed himself around straight people, his own thoughts towards men would disappear. He just couldn't deal with his best friend being gay. His parents always said that homosexuals were defective and shouldn't be allowed to exist. Ye Sung never understood what was so bad about homosexuals. Not being able to stay away from his friend, Ye Sung decided to go to Eunhyuk's dorm and confess to him what is truly in his heart. Ye Sung is about to come out of the closet.

    Ye Sung made Eunhyuk a card and a little marionette as an apology gift. After a brisk walk, Ye Sung stood at Eunhyuk's door. Reluctant to knock. Just as Ye Sung was just about to knock, Eunhyuk opened the door. With dance bag in hand,  Eunhyuk almost ran into Ye Sung. After looking up Eunhyuk noticed who it was and burst into tears. Ye Sung hugged Eunhyuk to his chest. After Eunhyuk calmed down Ye Sung held out the card and the little marionette.

    Just then Donghae comes out of the bathroom. Just seeing Ye Sung, Donghae advances on him. Punching Ye Sung square in the jaw.  Bruise forming, Ye sung staggers and falls. When Ye Sung hits the ground Donghae starts advancing again when Eunhyuk holds him back. Eunhyuk while checking on Ye Sung, say to Donghae, "He came over to apologize." Donghae looks down and goes inside for an ice pack. Bringing Ye Sung inside, Eunhyuk sighs and sits down. Just then Donghae comes back with an ice pack and hands it to Ye Sung.

   Icing his face Ye Sung tells Eunhyuk and Donghae why he came over. He told them about his parents, about his doubts. He even told them that he thinks that he is gay. Uncomfortable, Ye Sung fidgets in his seat when Eunhyuk and Donghae keep staring at him. Finally he's had enough. "What is  it!" he demanded. Eunhyuk answers, "Its just your face is really going to hurt tomorrow." They all break out into laughter. With tears in everyone's eyes, Eunhyuk promises Ye Sung that no matter what he chooses, Eunhyuk and Donghae will always  be there for him.

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