Ryeowook's Surprise Kiss

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    Hearing the three knocks, Ryeowook took a few calming deep breaths. Ryeowook nervously walked over to the door and opened it. At the sight of Ye Sung, Ryeowook did a double take and then let his mouth hang wide open. "Are you gonna let me in or just keep staring at me," said Ye Sung blushing. Ye sung was wearing slim black skinny jeans that hugged his legs perfectly. Ye Sung also had on a white long-sleeved button up shirt with three buttons undone. Ryeowook found that he couldn't keep him self from staring at the exposed skin there. "umm... yea come right on i-in." Ryeowook didn't mean to stammer on the last word, he was just surprised by Ye Sung's attractiveness. Ryeowook turned around and led Ye Sung to the white leather couch. "Umm... do you want something to drink?" asked Ryeowook nervously. Ye Sung smiled brightly and replied, "Sure, what do you have?" Ryeowook then began to ramble off a long and varied list of drinks that he had in his fridge. When Ryeowook had finished Ye Sung smiled again, "How about a bottle of water?" Ryeowook beamed, "Coming right up!" Then Ryeowook pranced of to the kitchen.

    Ye Sung looked after Ryeowook, and appraised what he was wearing. Ye Sung noticed the fedora that set lazily on Ryeowook's head. It was a light tan color that nicely accented his dark reddish brown hair.Ye sung then took notice of the thin silver chain that hung around Ryeowook's neck. It some how made his skin glow even more. Ye Sung then noticed Ryeowook's pants. They were  dark navy blue skinny jeans that hugged his butt perfectly. Ye Sung blushed brightly at that thought. He then took notice of the simple white t-shirt that he wore a thin blue vest over that was open. Ye Sung thought to himself, "Damn he dresses better than most of the girls here."

    Just then Ryeowook looked and caught Ye Sung staring at him. Ye Sung blushed intensely and looked down to his hands that were in his lap. Ryeowook glided across the floor and handed him his bottle of water. "Here you g-go." Ryeowook said. Ye Sung wasn't sure he heard at first, but he thought he had heard Ryeowook stammer. When Ye Sung looked up and took the water bottle from Ryeowook he saw the pink tinge on Ryeowook's cheeks. As Ye Sung drank quickly from the bottle he thought to himself, "Ryeowook blushing... so he probably stammered... and that's probably a really good sign." He twisted the cap back on his bottle, smiled, and said, "Thank you very much for the water." Ryeowook blushed and replied, "It's no problem." Ye Sung put on his most charming smile, " I also wanted to thank you for inviting me over, I much appreciate it. I also like your dorm, its very cozy." Ryeowook blushed intense red and replied, "That is very sweet of you to say and you're very welcome."

    "So, Ye Sung do you like training here at SM?" Ryeowook said trying to fill the awkward silence. Ye Sung smiled brightly and replied, "So far very much so even though the voice teacher can be a little rough." Ryeowook smiled and nodded knowing all too well about the voice teacher. Ryeowook then hesitantly asked, "Is there anyone here that you like?" Ye Sung blushed, " Well before I knew I was gay I had a crush on a pretty french girl..." Ryeowook looked own obviously disappointed. Ye Sung continued, "But now I have my sights set on someone else. Ryeowook looked up, " May I know who it is?" Ye Sung blushed a bright cherry red and shifted positions before answering, "It's you." Ye Sung then looked down.

    Before Ye Sung knew what was happening Ryeowook grabbed him by the chin gently, lifted his head, looked into his eyes, and kissed him on the lips. Ye Sung at first didn't know what to do. Then much to Ryeowook's surprise Ye Sung freaked out. Ye Sung pushed Ryeowook away, blushed, and then hurriedly left.

    Ryeowook stunned and hurt, burst into tears. The sobs shook his body as he thought, " Why... I thought you liked me?" After calming down a bit he tried calling Ye Sung to apologize, but all he got was voice mail. Frustrated and nearly in tears, Ryeowook decided to call Donghae and Eunhyuk. Maybe they could help him.

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