Correcting Mistakes

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    Sungmin had been wondering around aimlessly for the last two days. He drifted from bar to bar, slept in an alley, cried every other hour. Sungmin stumbled into Donghae's dorm room. Sungmin leaned up against the wall for support and tried calling out to Eunhyuk and Donghae. His voice was just a small squeak, barely noticeable, but Donghae heard him. Donghae looked at Sungmin with a mixed expression. One part confusion, one part was disgust. Then the look went to anger, then to rage.

    Before anyone could react, Donghae was off the couch, across the room, and slapped Sungmin. "Do you have any idea what you've done?" Donghae was still very angry, but when Sungmin let a tear fall down his face Donghae's anger melted away. Donghae backed away, and Eunhyuk came and dried Sungmin's tears. Eunhyuk spoke softly, "Where have you been? Kyuhyun needs you." Sungmin started crying again. Sungmin cleared his throat, "Where is he? Can I see him?" Eunhyuk gave Sungmin a look-over, "You can, but not like this." Sungmin was suddenly back in full reality. He hadn't showered in two days, he'd been drinking constantly, and he smelled awful. Sungmin blushed and said, "I guess I need to clean up a little. 

    Sungmin went back to his dorm with Donghae and Eunhyuk. Donghae and Eunhyuk stayed in the front room while Sungmin went to his room. Sungmin stripped, put his dirty clothes in the hamper, and opened the door to the bathroom. While Sungmin stood in the bathroom he felt the cool tile on his feet. Sungmin turned on the water and stepped in the shower. While the warm water flowed over his skin, Sungmin imagined what he was going to say to Kyuhyun.

    Sungmin stepped out of the shower, dried himself off and walked into his room. He was halfway across the room before he noticed Donghae sitting on his bed. Sungmin was completely naked, and all he could do was try and cover so Donghae couldn't see. Sungmin looked down, "Why are you in my room?" Donghae looked away and replied, "Just a precaution. We don't want you hurting yourself." Donghae left the room, and left a naked, embarrassed Sungmin standing there.

    Sungmin went in search of clothes. He decided to wear Kyuhyun's favorite outfit. He wore black skinny jeans, and a tight, white T-shirt that was just see through enough to show Sungmin's abs. Sungmin went to the mirror, combed his hair, and applied a thin line of eyeliner to each eye. Sungmin went over to the sink and brushed his teeth. Sungmin gave himself one final look over before walking out to see Donghae, and Eunhyuk.

    Eunhyuk looked at Sungmin with his mouth open. Donghae shifted the way he was sitting, but Sungmin still noticed the bulge in his pants. Eunhyuk spoke first, "Wow you look really good." Sungmin looked down and blushed. After a while Sungmin spoke, "This is Kyuhyun's favorite outfit." Eunhyuk started to tear, "I guess we should go see him then." 

    Sungmin walked with Eunhyuk and Donghae to the bus stop. Sungmin looked around curiously and asked, "Why are we getting on the bus?" Eunhyuk and Donghae looked at Sungmin like he had just sprouted a second head. Sungmin looked away from their looks and decided not to ask anymore questions for now. They rode the bus for a little while, and then got off at the hospital. Sungmin asked, "Why are we at the hospital?" Then Donghae and Eunhyuk stared at him like he just sprouted a third head to go with his second. Eunhyuk spoke calmly, "Kyuhyun is in the hospital. He took half a bottle of aspirin, and slit his wrists." Sungmin froze in place. He couldn't move until Donghae was literally dragging him towards the hospital room.

    They finally made it to Kyuhyun's room. Sungmin saw a shell of a person was skinny and had bandages on both wrists. Sungmin whispered, "Did I do this?" Eunhyuk placed a comforting on Sungmin's shoulder, "He had a picture of you next to him when we found him." Sungmin bent and caressed Kyuhyun's face. Kyuhyun's eyes fluttered open at Sungmin's touch. Before Kyuhyun could speak, Sungmin leaned down and kissed Kyuhyun with all the love and affection he could put into a kiss. After a few moments Sungmin pulled away. Kyuhyun looked up at Sungmin and asked, "Why?" Sungmin said, "I didn't have a choice. When I was waiting for you I fell asleep. He attacked me and threatned me with a knife. He said that he would hurt us both if I didn't do what he said." Kyuhyun looked away, "But the way you reacted when he kissed you?" Sungmin held Kyuhyun's hand, "I'd rather kiss you. I love you. Siwon may be a good kisser, but you're the best kisser." With a sense of enforcement, Sungmin kissed Kyuhyun.


A/N: Hi guys! I want to apologize for taking so long to update. Between babysitting, preparing to go off to college, and having writer's block -.- I found it very difficult to update the story. I usually write the story in short vignettes but that didn't work for this part of the story. I literally dreamt this part of the story, and so I am literally writing it right after waking up. Thanks for reading (^-^)

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