Making Up and Making Out

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    Eunhyuk woke early the next morning. As he lay in his bed, Eunhyuk could not stop thinking about the kiss that Ye Sung gave him. Eunhyuk sat up, rubbed his face, and sighed. He was confused as to what he wanted. From the very beginning, Eunhyuk was attracted to Ye Sung, but now Donghae and Ryeowook are in the picture.

    Without pulling on any pants, Eunhyuk walks out into the living room, but Ye Sung was also already awake. Eunhyuk was half way across the living room before he noticed Ye Sung staring at him. Ye Sung quickly looked down blushing. Eunnhyuk just stood their in his briefs. "Umm... good morning," Eunhyuk said nervously. Ye Sung softly replied, "good morning." Eunhyuk ran his fingers through his tasseled hair before asking, "Do you want something to eat?" Ye Sung rubbed his face and replied, "No, I actually need to go." Eunhyuk blushed and shifted awkwardly. Ye Sung said, "Sorry about last night, it was wrong of me to kiss you." Eunhyuk's pearly skin took on a tinge of pink. Eunhyuk replied "Its okay" Ye Sung replied, "Promise?" Eunhyuk smiled,  "Promise." Ye Sung got up and said, "Well I would give you a hug, but... yea..." Eunhyuk blushed again, "Well maybe later on today." Then Ye Sung smiled, walked out the the dorm, and made his way to his own dorm. 

    Ye sung opened the door to his dorm and got right to cleaning. After cleaning Ye Sung jumped into the shower. Ye Sung thought "If I don't make things right with Ryeowook, I'll lose him" So after getting dressed, Ye Sung went across the courtyard, and picked some roses from the garden. Ye Sung went back to his dorm, and wrote Ryeowook a poem, and an apology letter. When Ye Sung looked at the time, he realized that he was late for his voice lesson. Dashing across the courtyard, almost knocking over some other trainees, Ye Sung hurried to his voice lesson. 

     Ye Sung stopped dead in his tracks, and nearly cried when he saw Ryeowook walked into the door of the room he was supposed to be going into. Ye Sung thought to himself "I can't... Not before I apologize"  Ye Sung mustered the courage after a few moments and entered the room. Quickly bowing to the instructor and then Ryeowook, Ye Sung took a seat next to Ryeowook. "Good morning!", exclaimed the instructor with glee. Ryeowook smiled and replied, "Good morning." Ye Sung just nodded. Ye Sung studied Ryeowook's face. "He doesn't seem sad, or angry. His face is just blank..."  The instructor interrupted, " Ye Sung-ah!" Ye Sung blushed and replied quietly, " Yes ma'm" The instructor continued, "As I was saying, I'm going to work with Ryeowook first, then you, and then the two of you together." Ye Sung nodded, but deep down he was very nervous. Then Ryeowook began singing. Ye Sung was astonished. He marveled at how light, clear, and melodic Ryeowook's voice was. 

    Now it was Ye Sung's turn to sing. Ye Sung sang very softly. The instructor asked, "Why are you singing so softly, did you hurt your voice." Ye Sung replied, "No, its just that Ryeowook's voice is so beautiful and I'm nervous now" Ryeowook blushed and looked away. The instructor smiled and said, "Yea his voice is quite beautiful, but yours is powerful and emotive, don't be afraid to use it." Ye Sung blushed and nodded. Ye Sung started singing again. Ryeowook became mesmerized. Ye Sung's singing gave him the chills, and the hair on the back of his neck rose. Ryeowook thought, "Wow, he's a powerhouse. Wonder if he'll sing to me..." "Ryeowook", the instructor called. He replied, "Yes." The instructor replied, "I would like for you to join us now."

    Ryeowook strode across the room and took his place beside Ye Sung. The instructor asked, "Do you know this song well enough to sing with us?" Ryeowook said, "I know the words and the melody..." The instructor beamed, "That will be sufficient!" As they started singing they were both in unison, voices blending together. Unexpectedly Ye Sung switched to the higher harmony. Even though Ye Sung was singing higher, Ryeowook's voice sounded higher because its melodic quality. Ryeowook held the melody nice and strong, while Ye Sung accented it with a lilting harmony. Sometimes the two's shoulders would touch and each would blush. When the song was over both were smiling. "I'm glad I thought of pairing you two together", said the instructor smiling. Both nodded. The instructor continued, "Well I'll see you both back here in a week." After bowing to each other, then the instructor, they both left.

    Right outside the door Ye Sung grabs Ryeowook gently, pushes him up against the wall, and kisses him deeply. Ryeowook's hands come to tangle in Ye Sung's hair. A few moments later the two pull apart breathing heavily. Ye Sung says strainedly, " I'm so sorry I didn't mean to act like that, and it wasn't fair to you." Ryeowook looked Ye Sung in the eyes and said, "I know this is hard for you, I just want to be with you so bad." Ye Sung blushed and kissed Ryeowook again, sending two new trainee girls walking briskly away blushing. Ye Sung took Ryeowook's hand and said, "Will you come back to my dorm with me, I need to show you something?" Ryeowook nodded. The two headed back to Ye Sung's dorm room holding hands, talking amiably, and laughing. 

    Ye Sung opened the door to his dorm and led Ryeowook inside. Ryeowook sat down as Ye Sung retrieved the vase of flowers, the poem, and the letter. "This is an apology gift I made for you" Ryeowook blushed and said, "Awe you didn't have to" Ye Sung looked down, "But I wanted to, at least read the poem please." Ryeowook opened the poem and began reading, " Starlight, and silhouettes dance around your heavenly beauty. Shimmers of beauty and grace emanate from your essence. Lucky am i the beholder of you. I am gifted with your affection and presence. Deserving of more than i can offer, you choose me. I kiss your lips and taste my sweet addiction. The only one for me. The only one I need. If you'll still allow it. I want to be your sweet, and your addiction." Ryeowook looked up with teary eyes. "This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me." Ye Sung bends down, kisses Ryeowook, and says, "What do you say love?" Ryeowook hugs Ye Sung tightly and says, "Yes, I want to be with you." Ye Sung and Ryeowook sit down on the couch and cuddle the rest of the morning away.

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