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     Leeteuk was sitting on the ground wallowing in self pity. He knew he shouldn't but all he could think about was the vodka sitting in the freezer. He promised himself he'd never drink again but could never get rid of the last bottle. He oftentimes sat by the toilet just staring at it trying to muster the courage to pour it in and flush. Leeteuk stood up carefully not trusting his shaking legs and opened the freezer door. He stared at the bottle of vodka unblinking. For a moment time stood excruciatingly still. The world melted away until all that was left was Leeteuk and the vodka. Leeteuk took out the bottle carefully, unscrewed the cap, and took a very generous swig of the mind numbing liquid. The fired started in his throat and worked its way throughout his abdomen. Leeteuk sat the bottle down hard and leaned against the counter for support. Breathing heavily Leeteuk opened the cupboards, took out a shot glass and downed two more shots.  

     Leeteuk thought to himself "How did my life get so bad? First Kyuhyun deserts me for Siwon..." The answer had come with certain clarity. Siwon was the cause of everything that had gone horribly wrong in his life. Siwon caused Kyuhyun to leave him, Leeteuk started drinking after that, Leeteuk hurt Kyuhyun, which made Kangin jealous. Everything pointed back to one person. That person was Siwon. Leeteuk downed two more shots, grabbed his coat and headed out.

     After what seemed like an eternity, Leeteuk finally arrived at his destination. The carved wooden door painted black stared back at Leeteuk forebodingly. Leeteuk gave the door threes three short sharp raps with his knuckles and waited. The anticipation felt like a mound of bricks on Leeteuk's shoulders. Suddenly the door opened pulling Leeteuk's attention away from himself. There in the doorway stood Siwon. As Leeteuk stood examining Siwon he almost forgot why he was there. Finally Siwon broke the silence.

"Leeteuk... is everything okay?"

"Can I come in?" Leeteuk was careful to avoid answering his question.

     Siwon stepped aside and allowed Leeteuk to enter. Without saying a word, Siwon closed the door behind them. Siwon stood there awkwardly, before letting out a yawn. Leeteuk stayed completely silent making Siwon slightly apprehensive as of what he should do next.

"Is there anything I can get you. Maybe a drink?" 

"Do you have any water?"


     Leeteuk followed Siwon to the kitchen silently. Siwon opened the fridge and grabbed the water but was startled when Leeteuk spoke.


Perplexed Siwon answered, "Why what?"

"Why did you have to ruin my life?

Siwon stood there with his mouth open not sure of what to say.

"You took everything from me. My life was great before you were in the picture."

With every word Leeteuk spoke he became angrier and angrier.

"You took my dignity, you took my will, you took my lover! Even now you still manage to control every aspect of my life! You have managed to take everything away from me, but it never seems like enough!"

     With that last statement Leeteuk punched Siwon in the face sending a spray of blood across the floor. Siwon recoiled with a cry and clutched his nose. Leeteuk could only see red and Siwon, the bastard who destroyed everything. Leeteuk lunged toward Siwon, but Siwon was faster. Before Leeteuk could do anything Siwon was holding him and kissing him. At first Leeteuk was dazed but started to return the kiss. Siwon broke the kiss and stared into Leeteuk's eyes.

"Leeteuk I am so sorry for everything."

     Leeteuk's anger was completely gone, and he started to sob. Siwon kissed Leeteuk's tears away, and softly kissed his lips. Leeteuk knew he shouldn't have let him and that this was wrong, but it felt so right that he didn't care. Leeteuk lost track of time, but it seemed like it was hours before they had finally stopped kissing and just held each other comfortably. Neither spoke for fear of breaking the blissful silence, and for now everything was okay.

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