Pick Me Up Dinner

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  • Dedicated to De Anna Walker

    Eunhyuk was in the middle of making spaghetti and a salad when he felt his phone vibrate. Rinsing off his hand and drying them off on his pants, he answered, "Hello." " I kissed Ye Sung and he freaked out, and now he won't answer my calls." Ryeowook said in a shaky voice. Eunhyuk  instantly became worried, " Umm well i can't say I'm surprised... He just found out that he was gay", said Eunhyuk. Ryeowook just cried a little more. Trying to staunch the flow of tears coming from his friend, Eunhyuk asked, "Umm do you want to come over for dinner?" Ryeowook sniffled and replied, "yea" "Okay then it's almost done so get here quick", said Eunhyuk. After saying goodbye, Eunhyuk hung up the phone and let out a sigh. Donghae peered around the kitchen corner and said, " Who was that?" "It was just Ryeowook, he was upset so I invited him for dinner." answered Eunhyuk. Donghae slid his arms around Eunhyuk's waist and softly kissed his cheek. "Is it something to do with Ye Sung again?", said Donghae. Eunhyuk answered after another sigh, "Unfortunately yes." Eunhyuk kissed his boyfriend once more and asked, "Can you help finish the salad?" Donghae gave Eunhyuk's waist a quick squeeze and said, "Of course"

    It seemed to Ryeowook that everything was passing by in slow motion, like he was watching a movie rather than living in the moment. Ryeowook envied all the people who seemed happy together. He wished it was easy to be with Ye Sung. Stopping in front of Eunhyuk's dorm room, Ryeowook took a few moments to pull himself together. He shook his head to clear the fogginess of his mind. Then Ryeowook decided to knock on the door. Eunhyuk crossed the floor briskly and opened the door for Ryeowook. Before Ryeowook could say anything, Eunhyuk embraced him in a hug so warm it left him speechless. After taking Ryeowook by the hand and leading him to the table, Eunhyuk pushed a plate of food in front of him. "Are you even going to let me say anything?", Ryeowook said a little flustered. Eunhyuk answered with a big grin, "Only after you at least take a few bites of your food." Ryeowook looked down at the plate, and saw his favorite, Spaghetti with meat balls and mushrooms cooked in. Ryeowook grinned and took an eager bite. Then Donghae came in and put the salad on the table.

    "So what exactly happened?", asked Donghae. Ryeowook nearly choked on his food end ended up coughing for about thirty seconds. After taking a sip of water that Eunhyuk handed him, Ryeowook finally answered, "I asked Ye Sung if he liked anyone, and he said that he likee me... so after that I kinda surprise kissed him." Turning red in the face Ryeowook turned his attention back to his food. Eunhyuk waited a little before responding, " Ye Sung is very new to the whole liking guys thing and was probably just scared." Ryeowook's eyes water as he says. " I wish that it wasn't like that, I mean I know he likes me and I know I like him so I just thought kissing him would be fine." Donghae pats Ryeowook's arm and says comfortingly, " You're Ye Sung's first guy so you have to take things slow, and let Ye Sung make the moves." Ryeowook grins and hugs Donghae tightly. "Ryeowook, you're crushing me," says Donghae in a strained voice. "Oh sorry," Ryeowook answers and releases Donghae. Eunhyuk collects the dishes, puts them in the sink, and starts preparing dessert. 

    After finishing an amazing array of peach buns,  Eunhyuk and Donghae bid Ryeowook goodnight and settle on the couch to watch a movie. Donghae says, " Do you think Ryeowook and Ye Sung will be okay?" Eunhyuk grins and answers, " Yea they just need some time." Donghae smiles, turns Eunhyuk's face towards his, and kisses him. Not being able to resist, Eunhyuk kisses Donghae back heatedly. After the movie is over Donghae nor Eunhyuk could remember what it was about. They were too busy kissing each other and cuddling to pay attention. Turning off the t.v. Eunhyuk drags Donghae from the living room to his bed where they kiss and fall asleep.

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