The Plan

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    Sungmin trailed ahead of Kyuhyun in the hallway. Kyuhyun knew it was better to let Sungmin have his space. Sungmin's body was tense, his shoulders defiant, fists clenched, and his eyes narrowed. All the warnings that he was pissed. Kyuhyun examined Sungmin's thin frame. He thought, "I will never know how I'm with someone so beautiful." Kyuhyun smiled and blushed to himself. Sungmin glanced back, and turned around. He hadn't realized how far ahead he'd gotten. Sungmin rushed back and took Kyuhyun's hand in his. Kyuhyun spun Sungmin and hugged him from behind. Surprised, Sungmin said, "Whoa, where did that come from." Kyuhyun, muffled by Sungmin's hair, replied, "I just realized how beautiful you are, and that I don't show it enough." Sungmin blushed, and squeezed Kyuhyun's arms. Then Kyuhyun let go, and Sungmin led the way into Eunhyuk's dorm room without knocking. 

    Sungmin walked into the living room and immediately grinned. Then Kyuhyun walked in the room and was baffled and embarrassed by what he was seeing. Sure he and Sungmin had intense make out sessions, but this was on a whole different level. Kyuhyun could even hear the mushy sounds thier lips were making. Sungmin after a few moments, finally cleared his throat to get thier attention. Donghae and Eunhyuk who were previously oblivious to thier presence were surprised. Donghae even screamed like a girl. Sungmin was laughing so hard that he was bent over slapping his knee. Donghae threw a sofa pillow at Sungmin. Eunhyuk asked sharply, "Ever heard of knocking?" Sungmin looked down, "I'm sorry I just really need to talk to you guys." Donghae rolled his eyes playfully and said, "It seems we've embarrassed Kyunggie." Kyuhyun blushed even more and tried inconspicuously to hide his face. Sungmin rolled his eyes and said, "Well if you'll be so kind as to make some room for us to sit down, it would be greatly appreciated." Eunhyuk and Donghae had to literally disentangle themselves from each other.

    Eunhyuk said, "So what's up." Sungmin took a deep breath and said, "Well we ran into Kyuhyun's ex, and when he was with Kyuhyun he was very abusive." Sungmin paused and looked at Kyuhyun, who nodded indicating for Sungmin to continue. Sungmin continued, " We passed by and there were no problems and Kyuhyun introduced me as his boyfriend. When we saw him five minutes later, he was holding a girl's hand, and gave us a dirty look." When Sungmin paused, he was visibly shaking. Kyuhyun put a hand on Sungmin's shoulder to calm him down. Sungmin said quietly, "I want him to hurt. Hurt like he did to Kyuhyun, hurt like he's done to others, and to how that girl is going to. I want him to not be able to hurt anyone else." Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Kyuhyun were staring shocked with their mouths open. They'd never seen that side of him. Eunhyuk broke the silence, "Do you have a plan in mind?" Sungmin looked at his hands, "I was thinking, if we have Kyuhyun tell his story to his friends, and there must be others who've had a similar experience with Siwon." Donghae said cynically, "So basically we're going to spread a rumour." Sungmin replied, "Except it wouldn't be a rumour, it would be true. Even if it isn't totally believed, the stigma of the rumour will stick, and people will be conscious of Siwon." Donghae nodded, "I suppose it could work." Eunhyuk said, "Well when do we start?" Sungmin replied, "I was thinking first thing tomorrow." Everyone nodded. 

    Kyuhyun was a bit nervous. He had hated Siwon for a while now. The only thing that made him happy now was Sungmin, but Kyuhyun was still afraid of Siwon. Sungmin repeated something to Donghae and Eunhyuk that made him snap back into reality. Sungmin frustratedly repeated, "We can't do anything right now. If this is to be believed, Kyuhyun himself has to put this in motion." Kyuhyun said, "I think I'm ready." Even though he actually bluffing, he really needed to do this for himself. Kyuhyun was really tired of fearing Siwon. He didn't want to live in fear anymore. After kissing Sungmin, making sure Hyuna could clearly see him, he walked over to her. Hyuna said, "I was wondering why I hadn't seen you with Siwon for a while. How come you didn't tell me you were seeing someone else?" Without answering her question Kyuhyun said, "Hyuna I really need you to listen to me." Hyuna answered, "Of course, what's up." Kyuhyun continued hushed and rapidly, "Siwon was abusive to me. He used me. He forced me to do things. He made my life a living hell. I had to get out of that relationship. It was so bad that even now I'm still scared. I still have nightmares." Hyuna replied, "I don't believe you. Siwon's like the sweetest guy ever. You even said so yourself." Kyuhyun's heart sank. Sure Eunhyuk and Donghae were his best friends, Sungmin was his boyfriend. But Hyuna was like his sister, her not believing his darkest secret felt like a sledgehammer to the stomach.

    Kyuhyun wanted to run, die, go insane, anything to get away from Hyuna, but he couldn't do that. He had to make her believe him. Then he remembered. He said calmly, "Maybe this will help you believe me." Kyuhyun pulled his shirt down so Hyuna could see his chest. Hyuna said, "What, I don't see anything." Kyuhyun turned so his chest was in the sun. Then Hyuna could clearly see what was on Kyuhyun's chest. Just below his collar-bone, "This belongs to Siwon, don't touch!" was scarred into Kyuhyun's skin. Hyuna audibly gasped and put her hands on her mouth. Neither of them spoke for a while. Kyuhyun filled the silence, "He tied me down and scratched my skin. It hurt so bad. He eventually got tired of doing it with his nails, so he got a safety pin. It's weird how little the scar is, but it seemed like the pain was never going to end." Hyuna held Kyuhyun's hand and gave him an apologetic look. Then Siwon walked by and said, "Hey Hyuna, how's it going?" Hyuna smiled at him but it didn't reach her eyes. When she turned back to Kyuhyun there was a total different look on Hyuna's face. She had to look of malice in her eyes. She said, "That bastard needs to pay."

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