October 29, 2022

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Diyiren rested his head against the seat, closed his eyes. They were flying into the sun. It would be morning again when the plane touched down.

Diyiren didn't recall the date. Sometime in the 1500s, before King Henry the Whatever had insulted him.

The first Dethewaite in Diyiren's employ came in, inched down his crutch and kowtowed.

"You don't have to do that, Mr. Dethewaite."

"Apologies, My King."

Hero had been doing that for decades. His effort to pull himself up was equally strenuous and drawn out. Hard to believe this man had become a patriarch with a dozen children.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this," the original Mr. Dethewaite said, "but Barty passed away last night."

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