Am I Going Insane? [ 4/23/11]

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Now you are gone, 

there's nothing left to be done. 

I've been thinking about you.

Haven't left my mind. 

Haven't. Never Left. 

Been crying for days, 

I don't know 

whether i'm depressed or am i going insane?

Am i going insane?

Every single sad thought leads me to you. 

Every single depression leads me to you. 

All the sadness i have, 

they all lead me to you. 

What is it, 

that you have, 

that makes me go insane?

Is it drugs? Beer? Weed?

Or just plainly Love?

I'll never know, will i?

So many questions, 

no answers at all. 

Am i going insane?

no answer to that. 

Will we meet again?

no answer to that. 

Thousands of questions, 

yet the answers are empty. 

Nobody will ever tell me will they?

Nobody will ever tell me if im going insane

or just plainly, 


in love. 


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