Concept (August 26 2011)

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Why are we born 

wishing for someone to love us.

Rather than making it

happen ourselves.

I thought,

Love was as simple

as how water flows.

The older i grew,

the more complicated it got.

How do you handle

one complicated thing after another?

Why is it, at our most lonely times,

we wander in our minds.

For the broken hearted,

They wonder when they'll ever meet

someone who'll treat them right.

For the unloved ones,

Simply, When will they ever feel like

someone, friend or foe, loves them?

Why do memories,

come crashing towards us

on every mood we expierence?

I am longing for the childhood

that i iknow isn't yet finished

but partly is.

How much longer does it

take till you're called an adult?

Most kids want to grow up.

I don't get why.

I don't get why they have this concept,

that when we grow up,

we are free.

Let me tell you something,

An adult is as trapped 

as a child can ever be.

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