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[april 12 2012]

The year has finally ended.

It's signalling to us,

that it is over.

Everything that we've had.

Everything that has been making

us smile,

All of it, is over.

Are we over?

In fact,

There is no 'we'. No 'us'>

No us because you

were never able to give me a chance

How I wish,

You'd give me a chance.

At least,

at least for a day or two,

you would show me that you love me.

I know it's kind of low,

Kind of cheap of me to say that.

But will it be cliche of me to say,

that love makes us do crazy things too?

Maybe I'll find someone like you.

Someone with a little more bravery than you ever had.

But I know you did.

I know that you did have a lot of bravery in you.

I could see it through

the stories I hear about you.

The way you would swing that ball,

Like the way you would break my heart. 

But then,

All these feelings,

These strong feelings 

that i have for you.

Will also be over.


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