Suicide [1-10-12]

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What a funny word.

Funny but when other people

hear it out of your mouth,

they get startled and worried.


Why is it so nice to think of 

but once you get into it<

there's no turning back.

I myself, I don't really

know anything about suicide. 

All i know is that,

when you start to try it,

you don't go back.

Or rather,

It's going to be pretty hard.

Why is my heart aching,

as i write this horrid poem?

What am i writing?

Am i writing as me?

or as someone else?

Someone else who has

been a part of me,

for quite a long time.


This part of me only shows

when my heart starts to feel lonely, 

and both my arms

and limbs start to feel cold.

This world.

it's cold.

It's a cold and horrible world out here.


There's just not enough love

and yet there is too much hatred.

Everytime i see the word 'suicide',

a part of me gives in.

But the stronger part of me does not.

You see,

the stronger part of me,

keeps screaming in my head,

that I am stronger than this.

As i write this poem,

it's constantly telling me to stay strong.


I somehow want to pray.

Tell my best friend everything he needs

to hear.

Cause everytime I do,

It seems to me

that he takes away all

this pain and sorrow that i try to

endure everytime sadness engulfs me.

I keep telling myself to stay strong

Even when the whole world tells me to suicide.


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