Chapter 31 - Let the games begin

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Chapter 31 - Let the games begin

TW - mention of abuses

Jesy pov

It is the day. Leigh-Anne and I stand in the courtroom waiting for the trial against Alex and the other assholes who hurt Pez to begin.

Jade stayed at home with her.

As Agent Jareau had said, Perrie's deposition combined with the hospital reports and Dr. Blossom's evaluation should be enough for the trial without her stepping foot in the courtroom.

Hopefully that will be the case, Perrie has made huge strides, however seeing Alex again could be triggering for her and we don't want her to fall back into the darkness of her mind.

Leigh and I weren't convinced to the last to come here today, there will be talk about everything that happened to her and new details will probably come out that we don't know about.

On the other hand, we couldn't miss the opportunity to see this bastard get sentenced. We may be called as witnesses at some point, but we decided to follow the course of the trial from beginning to end. If we eventually feel it is too much to handle we will leave and only return when requested.

Regarding Pez, obviously her mental state is not the best these days even though she is holding it together, we just hope they don't ask her to come here. Let's hope that all the evidence they have gathered over the past months will be enough to prove the bastard Alex was without her having to tell what happened again.

Simon has managed to keep the rumours about the whole thing quiet, the trial will be held behind closed doors so that as few people as possible will know what is going on.

Hopefully there will be no leaks.

"All rise, the judge is coming in" someone says. We see a man in his sixties enter the courtroom and go to sit in the middle seat, he's wearing a robe and his stern expression tells me he's going to be an asshole. I hope he is towards Alex.

The man checks some papers with an impassive expression before calling the defendants. Silence falls in the courtroom as Alex enters accompanied by twenty other people, the ones they have arrested so far. His smirk makes me want to go up to him and slowly rip his face off until he begs for mercy.

Calm down, Jesy

I feel a trembling hand clutching mine and I turn to see a red-eyed Leigh, tears already streaking her face and I think she won't last through the whole process.

I give her a small smile of encouragement and see her sigh deeply.

"Perrie Louise Edwards v Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain and..." the judge starts listing all the names of the defendants and I get nauseous thinking how many they are, knowing what these people have done to her.

"Mr. Judge, the complaint made by Miss Edwards against my client is nothing but lies, we have evidence that confirms the fact that Miss Edwards was in full agreement regarding what took place with Mr. Oxlade-Chamberlain and during meetings with the latter's friends" a man in his forties with greying hair and a well-groomed beard begins to speak, this is Alex's lawyer, I wonder how anyone has the audacity to defend him after all this.

"If you will watch these videos, you will see that Miss Edwards proved to be consensual during intercourse" the lawyer continues and hands the judge some videotapes which we recognise as the ones that were in the trunk we had found at Alex's house, when the video starts Leigh and I have to close our eyes, I feel Leigh's hand leave mine and I see her bring it to her ears, I only turn my head for a moment and regret doing so.

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