Chapter 35 - No one will believe this

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Chapter 35 - No one will believe this

TW - mention of abuses

Jade pov

"So, would you like to tell me what happened last night?" I ask her as I put the pancakes on her plate and approach her.

She looks at me shyly and I can see shame and sadness, I reach out and take her hand, she tries to push it away but I hold her steady, "Pez, we've been here before. You can tell me anything. I won't judge you or get angry. I just want to understand" I say looking into her eyes.

"I felt ashamed..." she sighs, "You know, a-about the video. Jesy, Leigh and all the people in that courtroom saw them. I was afraid of what you would think of me if you saw them... or what Jes and Lee-Lee think.... I'm just putting the pieces back together and I can't let it all be destroyed again" her voice is calm but I can hear a slight tremor, I know it's hard for her to admit.

"Love, I won't watch those videos. But I promise that even if I saw them I wouldn't judge you any differently. Perrie, look at me baby" I say lifting her face, " It wasn't your fault. You didn't deserve it. You didn't ask for it. I will never think you wanted it. I swear to you, love"

"The things that happened, Jade... I don't know if I can ever forget them. I don't know if I can ever forgive myself for what I did" she whispers.

"You have nothing to forgive yourself for. You did what you did to survive. You adapted and followed their orders because it was what you had to do to survive. But that doesn't mean it was your fault"

"What am I supposed to do, Jade? How do I forget and move on?" tears flow slowly from her intense blue eyes. She looks broken, much more than before, as if perhaps now, for the first time, she is aware of what really happened. As if she has now really realised it.

"I... I don't know, love. I don't know if you can forget. But I do know that you are strong enough to move on. And I will be with you every step of the way" I squeeze her hand to comfort her but also to comfort myself.

"It really happened, didn't it? It's like until now it felt like only a nightmare, but it really happened, didn't it?"

"I'm so sorry, my love" I nod through my tears.

Jesy pov

It's 8:30, it's going to start soon, I know I shouldn't be here but I needed to hear what they would say about her.

"I knew I'd find you here" someone whispers just behind me, I turn to find my afro haired friend.

"What are you doing here, Leigh?" I ask her.

"Probably what you're doing" she tells me with a sad smile.

"How do you think that will go?"

"I have no idea, do you really think anyone would believe that these people are innocent?" she asks me.

The truth is, I don't think anyone could believe it, but until this trial is over with Alex and his friends in jail, the anxiety won't leave me.

"Today will be tough" Leigh declares and I nod.

Today he and his friends will speak. What will they say? How will they justify themselves?

Speaking of the devil, we see Alex and the others enter the courtroom, the smile on his face even more irritating than yesterday. I can't wait for them to convict him just to see that smile disappear from his shit face.

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