King Fili

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❗️❗️I found this blurb on pintrest & continued the story ending, full credits to the original poster♡ ❗️❗️



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Both men, now grey with age, took a long moment to stare at one another. Though their bodies had wrinkled and ached, their spirits could still be seen within their eyes. Bilbo's nearly welling with tears in this moment. As when he looked to Fili, he seen Thorin. Fili had done honor to the Durin name as he stepped up to take the throne after his uncles tragic death.

"Do come in, come in-" Bilbo snapped from his daze and gestured to Fili to enter his home.

"What do I owe this visit?" Though Bilbo didn't need to ask, he knew why he came.

Over the years it had become common for Fili to randomly show up at Bilbo's door. At first Bilbo didn't understand. It didn't take long for Bilbo to catch on that Fili comes to him, to his home, for comfort. There was solace within the Baggins home where all those many years ago the dwarfs gathered at his table, ate, drank, sang tunes and discussed a dream.

" Can I not visit an old friend without being questioned?" Fili chuckled lightly, the light hearted gesture never quiet reaching his eyes.

Truth was, Fili was growing tired. His mind often wandered, his heart ached to be reunited with his bother and uncle once more. He often found himself wishing it was Kili who lived. Who took the throne and got to continue his life, he could have done it with grace. He would have lived on easily. Where Fili did not live, but dragged on. The weight heavy on his shoulders.

As the Dwarf King stepped further into the Hobbits home, his steps faltered at the dinning room. It looked the same, Bilbo never changed it. And Fili could practically see all the dwarfs gathered around the table, he could hear them. Hear his brothers laughter as he tossed a bread roll across the table and at his head. He could envision his uncle watching them with the smallest of grins himself as he ate. He could hear Thorins deep voice singing a tune of their people as it echoed throughout the home-

"Of course you can." Bilbo patted Fili on the back as he gestured to the sitting room. "Though I wish you'd send me a letter before, it's a long journey to the shire. What if something happened to you along the way? Hm?" Bilbo muttered, practically scolding the King as Fili took a seat on his sofa.

Fili didn't mind a scolding, it actually warmed his heart. In a way, he had started looking to Bilbo as family, almost like an uncle.

"Yes, yes, you are right." He chuckled, this time with more feeling behind it, his lips twitching into the smallest of smiles.

"Here- " Bilbo came back into the room with two tea cups of freshly made tea, taking a seat across from the dwarf.

Fili sipped his tea, both sitting in the silence for a long moment. Though Fili couldn't sit in the silence to long, he thoughts would only grow louder and louder until they drove him mad.

"I miss them, Bilbo..." Fili sighed, sitting his tea down on the small table beside him.

"I know. I miss them as well..." Bilbo's tone was low, his eyes dipping down to watch the soft ripples in his tea after to took a long sip.

"It's been 60 years." Fili took a pause, running a hand through his golden mane. "60 years without them... I'm growing tired, Bilbo."

He didn't need to voice that for Bilbo to see, he could tell by the droop of the dwarfs shoulders and the way his hair no longer shinned as it once did.

"I am going to pass on the crown." Fili spoke again, his voice more stern and serious now. His eyes glowing with a new found determination and ... peace.

"I am going to pass on the crown and relive our journey once again. Walk the same path as I once had with my kin."

"Fili- " Bilbo started though his words died on his tounge as he seen a twinkle in Fili's eyes he hadn't seen in a long time. He knew the dwarfs mind was set.

"Once the journey has finished, my mind will be free and I can meet my brother and uncle in peace..." Tears beaded in Fili's eyes as he spoke.

Bilbo clutched his tea cup tightly between his fingers, the china nearly trembling.

"Starting here, I take it?"

The dwarf smile sheepishly as he nodded. "Starting here." He repeated.

After their talk, it was time for Fili to leave along his journey. Bilbo stood at his old green door as he bid him a farewell. His chest felt heavy and his stomach churned as he watched him go. He knew there would be no more unexpected visits from the Dwarf King, he was loosing another...

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