Under the stars

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A little Legolas fluff requested by a friend ♡


It was a mid- autumn evening, the forest was still and the air cool. All seemed peaceful within middle earth in this moment. The only thing that could be heard around them was the chirping of birds and the squirrels chattering to one another from opposite trees.

Legolas and Lucan had been taking a leisurely stroll, soft crunching of the fall leaves beneath their feet. Tonight would be Lucan's last night visiting in Mirkwood before he had to make his long journey home. Meaning Legolas wanted to spend the remaining time with him alone, he wasn't sure when their paths would cross again.

"Where are we going? Aren't you going to tell me?" Lucan laughed, walking along a fallen log, arms stretched wide to balance himself.

"You'll see, have patience." Legolas hummed, walking along side the log, hands folded behind his back.

"How much further then?" Lucan hummed, coming to the end of the log, hands on his hips. "Look, I'm as tall as you from here!"

Legolas chuckled as he stopped before Lucan and nodded, now able to gaze directly into his murky green eyes. "Indeed you are, Lucan. Come, not much farther." His head nodded in the direction they needed to go and ventured off once again.

As they continued to walk, Legolas couldn't help the way his gaze would often drift to  Lucan. He'd watch the way the sun would hit his skin, caressing his features and making the brown flecks in his eyes a bit more bright. And how everytime Lucan came apon a wildflower his eyes held so much appreciation for it, for all of the nature around him. He greatly admired that about him, that wasn't a quality he often seen amongst the humans.

Though Lucan was different.

He'd somehow wiggled his way into the reserved Elf's heart, leaving not much room for anything else. Legolas had grown soft for the man beside him.

Finally they came to a clearing just outside of the forest, it was a beautiful sight. A large oak tree stood to the side of a small pond casting just a bit of shade, all surrounded by white and yellow wildflowers that covered the ground. And the ponds water was clear enough to see the fish that swam along the bottom.

Legolas lead the way, settling himself on the ground beneath the tree and he gestured for Lucan to have a seat beside him.

"How did you find this place? It's beautiful!" Lucan's eyes were wide in awe as he took in the view around them.

"Do you like it?" Legolas asked, watching the bright smile that pulled at the humans lips.

"Yes, of course I do!" He laughed happily, plucking a yellow flower from the ground and tucking it into Legolas' hair where he had it pulled back.

Legolas chuckled, he always enjoyed Lucan's light hearted and bright personality, it was a breath of fresh air for him.

The two sat and spoke of many things, the trees, the birds, the turning and falling leaves and how Lucan would miss Mirkwood once he returned home.

As the sky now dimmed and the stars began peaking through their blankets, Legolas laid himself back onto the ground. Reaching up, his fingers gently tugged at Lucan's sleeve and pulled him to lay down along side of him. Their eyes gazes up at the twinkling sky for a long moment, settling in a comfortable silence.

Legolas then took Lucan's hand into his, intertwining their fingers and holding it to his chest. He was sure that Lucan could now feel his heartbeat from where his hand sat. Legolas turned his head to the side, his expression soft as he gazed at Lucan.

"I'll speak to you through the stars." Legolas muttered, his voice quiet. "We may not be at each others side every night but we'll be gazing at the same night sky, the same stars. I'll speak to them, you'll listen, won't you?"

Lucan slow nodded his head, gazing at Legolas with a twinkle in his eye. "You know I will, I'll listen to every word they have for me from you."

"You'll return to me again, won't you?" Legolas spoke again, his head now turning back to face the stars. His thumb idly rubbing the back of Lucan's hand before he brought it to his lips and kissed his knuckles.

"Always." Lucan's voice was soft and hardly above a whisper as his focus never turned away from Legolas.

The last thought either wanting to think of was Lucan's departure in this moment, so the rest of their night was spent under the stars, comfortable in the silence of the night as they found solace within one another's company.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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