Hall of Fame

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*Jade's Pov*


"Thank you," I said to a co-worker who gave me a bag of ice. I put the bag over my bruised cheek and leaned back in my chair. I was trying to get the bruising to go down for days. Unfortunately today is Hall of Fame and I had to bring Jason with me to California unfortunately. A couple days ago, we got into an argument and he punched me thankfully missing my eye.

I looked over at my dress that I knew I shouldn't wear 'cause that's the reason we got in a argument in the first place. I put my hair in a ponytail and started applying heavy makeup.

*A couple hours later*

"Why are you wearing that after I specifically told not too?!" He asked and I could see the fury in his eyes.

"It's just a dress and I had nothing else to wear, I'm not walking out there with sweats and a hoodie!" "Don't you raise your voice at me!" He said walking over to me grabbing me by the throat

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"It's just a dress and I had nothing else to wear, I'm not walking out there with sweats and a hoodie!" "Don't you raise your voice at me!" He said walking over to me grabbing me by the throat. I tried removing his hand but his grip got tighter which made it hard to breathe. There was a knock on the door which made him let. A crew member opened the door and looked at me, "Jade, we need you and Chelsea on the carpet in two minutes." I nodded and he shut the door.

"Let's go." I grabbed my wedding ring off the counter and slipped it back on. "What happened to your neck?" Chelsea asked. "Don't worry about it...let's just get this over with." We did the interview then went backstage for a bit 'cause Chelsea's husband wanted to talk to Jason.

*Joseph's Pov*

"I hear you talking but all I hear is blah blah blah blah blah," Jon said to Takecia and Josh chuckled. Takecia stepped on Jon's foot with her heel and he immediately grabbed his foot. "Shit!" "Are you guys done, you're causing a scene," Josh said looking in between his wife and Jon. "I don't know what you see in her," Jon said shaking his right leg. "And I don't know what Trin sees in you but yet here we are."

He shook his head and looked over at me. "What are you staring at?" Jon asked following the direction I was staring at. "He's most likely staring at Jade again," Takecia said turning seeing Jade and her husband standing next while she's doing an interview with Chelsea.

"I'm not staring at her...I was staring at Chelsea," I said looking away from Jade. "I call bullshit, let's go you can't be looking at a married woman like that unless you want to get your ass beat," Josh said pushing me in the other direction. "Oh please if he even tried to lay a finger on him, Joseph would kill him," Takecia said and I nodded agreeing with her.

"She looks uncomfortable around him though," Takecia said making us look over at her. Her husband looked up at us and grabbed her arm pulling her away. "Ok now I'm a little worried," she said watching him pull Jade down the hall. "We should go to her dressing room and see if everything's okay," Jon said and we all agreed and walked to her dressing room.

*Jade's Pov*

My head was killing me and I felt so tired. I just wanted to go home. Bruising was starting to form around my neck and eye. After we got to my dressing room, he got upset that people were staring at us suspiciously and took it out on me. There was a knock on my door and I assumed it was Chelsea. I told them to come in as I was applying makeup more to my face.

"Hi." I turned and noticed three people I didn't know and I immediately got self conscious. "My name is Takecia and this my husband Joshua aka Jey Uso and this is my brother-in-law Joseph aka Solo Sikoa and Jonathan aka Jimmy Uso," the woman said. "Uhh...hi my names Jade..." I said just above a whisper.

"I'm sure you've seen these three around," Takecia said. "...I have." "What's with the neck?" Jonathan asked pointing at the bruising around my neck. "Nothing...you guys shouldn't be in here especially you three," I said pointing at the boys. "Why?" The door opened revealing my husband. Joseph looked at me and saw the fear in my eyes. I saw his face change from neutral to anger and I knew I needed to get them out.

"What are they doing in here?" Jason asked with anger in his voice. "I don't know but they were just leaving," I said motioning for them to leave. "Actually we wanted to see if-" "just go...please," I said cutting Takecia off and pointing at the door. They looked at each other before leaving. "Who are those people?" "I don't know, they just came in here and started introducing themselves I swear," I said pleading 'cause I didn't want him to go on a rampage. "Get your stuff, we're leaving." He said pushing me near a couch.

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