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I put Isaiah down in his crib for a nap. Takecia, Galina and Trin just left and I'm supposed to talk to Joseph when he got home. Which would be in about 5 minutes. I was extremely nervous to have this conversation with him. I didn't want him to think I didn't want to get married anymore 'cause I do just not in front of a lot of people.

"Malo get down!" I yelled at him 'cause he was trying to climb a chair. "Mommy, I want that muffin!" He complained which made me shake my head. "You just had some chips and fruit," I told as I heard keys jiggling in the lock. The front door opened and in walked Joseph. "Hello my dear." "Hi sweetheart." He reached down and gave me a kiss.

"Daddy!" Malo shouted jumping into Joseph arms. "How was your day little man?" He asked him. "I want that muffin in there," he pointed to the kitchen. "In the kitchen?" "Yeah there," Malo confirmed. Joseph walked to the kitchen with Malo and I continued to fix the baby gate in front of the stairs.

I put the screwdriver down and went to the kitchen. "I need to talk to you for a bit. Can you take Malo to the living room?" I asked and he nodded. He went to the living room and I sat at the table and put the baby monitor down. "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this." I murmured to myself. "I can do what?" He asked now sitting in front of me.

"I can talk to you...I have something to tell you and I want you to hear me out before you get mad-" "Why would I get mad?" He asked cutting me off. "You're not leaving us are you?" He asked. "No why would I- no I'm not going anywhere." I sighed and looked at the engagement ring before continuing.

"I want to marry you but I don't wanna have a big wedding. The girls were talking about it and I was getting anxious as hell and I realized I don't know if I'll be able to marry you in front of your family. Maybe your mom and the other six morons but the rest of your family absolutely not. I was thinking that we could just go Vegas when Isaiah gets older and we just get married there...but if you want a big wedding then I'll push through it." I told him and he just stared at me.

"What did you do for your first wedding?" He asked. "Was dragged to courthouse and threatened with a gun," I said quietly so Malo didn't hear anything. "If you want to get married Vegas then we'll get married in Vegas," he said calmly which shocked the hell out of me.

"Really?" I questioned and he nodded. "I want you to feel comfortable and I promised you I would do anything for you so if you want to get married in Vegas we'll get married in Vegas." "But...I don't wanna ruin your one wedding day. I've been married before by the way it's no picnic and you haven't. I don't want to take that moment away from you," I said to him.

"As long as I get to marry you, you aren't taking anything away from me. A wedding day is mainly for the bride to be happy and as long as you're happy then that's all that matters," he said grabbing my hand. "Really?" He smiled and nodded. "I love you," I said getting up to sit on his lap. He kissed me and I smiled into the kiss.

*A week later*

"Your hands are dirty baby, you shouldn't be touching the iPad." I told Malo and he continued to touch it anyway.

" I told Malo and he continued to touch it anyway

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"It's time to put the iPad away it's your bed time," Joseph said taking the iPad

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"It's time to put the iPad away it's your bed time," Joseph said taking the iPad. "No daddy I was watching that," he said trying to take it from him but Joseph held it high. "That's great, it's time for bed. Your brother is already knocked out so you should be too." Joseph said turning off the iPad. "I'll put them to bed come on M."

I got off my bed holding Isaiah. Malo scooting off the bed and I grabbed his hand and walked him to their room. I sat Isaiah down in his crib and pulled the blanket over him. I leaned down and gave him a kiss before grabbing Malo hand to take him to the bathroom. I washed his hands off before putting him to bed.

"Mommy, can you sing that song so I can sleep?" Malo asked and I smiled. I scooted him over a bit and I laid in his bed. "I won't be too loud 'cause your brother is sleeping," I informed him and he nodded closing his eyes.

After I finished Malo was fast asleep. I gave him on a kiss on the forehead before clearly getting up and leaving the room. I walked back to me and Jospeh's room and he was holding the baby monitor with a shocked face. "What?" I asked him confused. "I didn't know you could sing," he said sitting the baby monitor down.

"Surprise?" I said with a smile before sitting down on the bed. "Did you make up that song or something?" He asked and I shook my head plugging up my phone. "My mom made it for my brother," I said nonchalantly and he spit out his water all over me. He went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel.

"Sorry." I wiped the water mixed with spit off my face before putting the towel down. "Ok you have a what?" He asked. "A older brother by six years. I don't know him though." I opened a folder and took out a paper and gave it to him.

"After my mom died her lawyer gave me this letter she wrote before she died. She had my brother Brian six years before me. My father was very abusive as you know and my mom didn't want Brian to be around that and become like him so she gave him up when he was two. It hurt her really bad and she promised herself she would never give up another child," I told him.

"Did you ever go looking for him after you married that bastard?" He asked and I shook my head. "He's living his life and I'm not gonna disturb it which means I'm never going to go looking for him. Even if I did go looking for him what am I going to say? Our mom gave you up but kept me? I can't do that." I informed him getting up.

"You should meet him Jade. He's the only family you got left now." He said grabbing my hand. "You guys are my family now. Josh, Jon and Joe are like my brothers and Galina, Takecia and Trin are like the sisters I always wanted. I have my family and there is 99% chance he has a family and I refuse to disturb it so let it go please," I told him before going to the bathroom.

Knowing him he wasn't going to let it go...

A/N: had to throw in a sibling for Jade

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