Chapter 1

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Karen  : Babe

Zac : Sup baby

Karen  : Are we still on for tonight ,i want you to meet my friends

Zac : Yes baby we still on

Karen  : okay baby i gotta go to the club ill see you tonight

Zac : Okay baby i love you

Karen : I love you too

* Karen leave out for the Salon and zac went to work

                  *** Airport

Danni : Where your ass been ,you haven't been to work in 3 days

Zac : I had some business to attend too

Zac : Why you always acting like my boss

Danni : Nigga are you trying to be cute

Zac : I see cowboy ain't give you nun huh

Danni : Nah i give him a pull of my weed now the nigga tripping

Zac : I done tell you about that thing you be smoking Danni

Danni : You had some before " laughing"

Zac : Yeah and i almost died Danni

Danni : Stop being so damn dramatic Zachary

Zac : What ever Daniela

Danni : So when am i meeting the mystery woman that got you all smiling and shit

Zac : I want it to be tonight ,but she want me to meet her friends tonight

Danni : Tonight? Am suppose to be meeting my home girl man tonight

Zac : Well i guess another time since we both got things to do

            ****The Salon

Pam : Good morning

Karen : Good morning pam

Pam : You look nice

Karen : Thanks pam

Pam : You glowing ,who is he?

Karen : Pam

Pam : What

Karen : Dont you got work to do

Pam : Girl ain't nobody in here

Karen : Let me see the book

Pam : Ain't nothing much here either

Karen : what the hell ,its friday

Pam : I know right , hmmmmm andi is here is that a rolls Royce

Karen : Pam

Andi : Hey girl

Pam : Hey

Andi : Hey pam

Karen : Go pam

Pam : Fine

Andi : How do you deal with her

Karen : Girl ,but ummm who's car is that ?

Andi : Mine

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