Chapter 17

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Two years later ........

Angela : Hey girl

Fatima : Hey

Angela : Don't tell me your nervous ?

Fatima : No am not

Madam : Of course you are you've been rubbing lotion on the same spot for over 15 minutes

Fatima : Okay fine am nervous

Madam : Why?

Fatima : What do you mean why? Am marrying my best friend

Angela : So What's the problem?

Fatima : I mean we've been through so much before we finally got here , who would have thought two years later ill be waking down the aisle with him

Madam : That man loves you T

Fatima : I know an i love him too i cant wait to be Mrs Taylor

Madam : So are you going to tell him ?

Fatima : Tell him what ?

Madam : Fatima don't play with me

Fatima :  what are you talking about ?

* Madam got up an walk over to fatima rubbing her stomach

Fatima : You knew ?

Madam : Its not rocket science fatima ,plus its showing am surprise he haven't seen it yet

Angela : That's because her ass always in the big ass shirts " laughing "

Fatima : Shut up angela

Madam : How far along are you ?

Fatima : 12 weeks

Madam : Three months an you haven't told him

Fatima : Calm down i only found out about two week ago when i went for wynter check up i was under the weather so i decided to see my doctor an she confirms it

Madam : Aww congratulations T

Fatima : Thanks m , i made him a video for my vow revealing my pregnancy

Angela : Oh shit i got my camera an tissues ready

Madam : Lets get you into this dress so you can get married an start your new life away from here

Fatima : Am gone miss you

Madam : Bitch am only a 2hrs flight away

Fatima : I know but right now am 20 minutes away " tear eyes "

Madam : Don't do that you know this day would come sometime ,plus your a mom now an a good one at that you deserved this

Fatima : Your right

*Ever since that night fatima an zac has been official for the pass 2yrs ,On wynter 1st birthday zac proposed to Fatima an of course she said yes .....They wanted to get married on Fatima's birthday but since wynter is the symbol of what there love is they both agree to get married on her second birthday which is today .

     The guys room

Mark : Zac you good son?

Zac : Yeah just nervous

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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