Chapter 11

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The room went silent.........

Andi : So cat got y'all tongue

Sabrina : What are you doing here

Andi : Despite you shooting me and Karen i still came to check and make sure you was okay

Gary : Baby i can explain

Andi : Explain what ? That you fucking my friend

Gary : She told me you was Cheating on me with your boss

Andi : And your solution was to fuck her and might
have got her pregnant

Gary : I swear baby that baby in mine

Andi : Fuck you Gary

Zac : That's my que ....he leave's out

Andi : How could you brina

Sabrina : Am sorry i was mad at karen

Andi : So you sleep with Gary to prove a point

Gary : Baby please calm down

Andi : Don't touch me gary

Gary : Can we just go please

Andi : Who's baby is it ?

Sabrina : Its his

Gary : Baby she's lying

Andi : Wow i thought it was zac

Sabrina : The dates don't match

Andi : So you kill Karen baby for nothing

Sabrina : An that bitch deserve that

Karen : And you think i was going to let you keep yours

Sabrina : Wtf are you doing here

Andi : I told you not to come here

Karen : Nah this bitch thinks she could kill my baby and have hers

Sabrina : You bring her here

Andi : No i didn't

Karen : It don't matter cause i was coming anyway

Gary : Baby can we go please

Andi : Stop calling me that ,you know what you might wanna stay and help your baby mama

Gary : That's not my fucking baby Andi

Andi : It might be yours

Sabrina : Get the fuck out

Karen : Nah we got a score to settle

    Fatima's Pov

Madam : So i see you decided to keep the baby

Fatima : Yeah i did " sighs"

Madam : Are you having regrets

Fatima : No am happy with the decision that i made

Madam : So aunt jackie got to you huh " laughing"

Fatima : After hearing my Baby heart beat i just couldn't get it out my head ,and in that moment i knew i wanted to keep my baby

Madam : What are you having ?

Fatima : " excited " A girl

Madam : Wow you got your wish you've always wanted a  girl

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