Chapter 4

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There was a brief silence for a moment......

Derrick : So you just gone abundant her like she don't matter too you anymore

Fatima : Derrick don't do that ,you know i love Chelsea but you using her every time we broke up to get me back is not going to work this time

Derrick : Baby i promise that's not what am doing

Fatima : Don't call me that

Derrick : Can you please come see her ,she's been asking for you i dont know what to say to her

Fatima : I can't derrick

Derrick : Wow its that nigga zac right

Fatima : How the fuck you know about zac?

Derrick : Is that what your worried about ,while your daughter is left without a mother to care for her

Fatima : Excuse me

Derrick : You heard me

Fatima : You acting like am her fucking mother ,i took care of that child for as long as i can remember i love her like my own daughter even though she's a constant reminder of what you did ..i was there for her more that you've ever been as her dad so don't you dare fucking stand here and act like am bad person

Derrick : Am sorry i didn't mean it like that ,you've been a great mom to her than her own mother and i appreciate that but she's grown to love you and this break up is affecting her baby please

Fatima : Derrick ! I can't make any promises but ill see what i can do .....but me staying away is the best thing for her i dont wanna hurt her more than she already is cause we not getting back together

Derrick : So you love him .....getting close to her

Fatima : Derrick

Derrick : Tell me you dont love me anymore .....he asked one inch away from kissing her

Fatima : Silent " tears falling "

Derrick : Baby ....lifting up her chin to face him

Fatima : Please just..........before she could finish derrick lips was already on hers as they fight for dominance

Zac : Wtf

      **** The law firm

Angela : Good morning everyone

Everyone : Good morning Miss Richards

Angela : Now today i need everyone on their "A" game ,our company is up for a rewards so i need y'all to bring this case home we always does

Lisa : You know we always won our cases

Mia : Yeah we #1 for a reason ,and with the last five awards that we got this one will be easy

Angela : That's what i like to hear

James : Ummmm i got a question

Angela : What is it james

James : Are we ever going to meet the boss

Angela : I am the boss

James : I know that but i mean the actual boss

Angela : Why do you wanna meet the boss?

James : I've work here for 8 months in that time frame we won 3 awards and not once have i met the boss ....i mean i love your leader ship we all do that's why we always with you 1000% but i just wanna know the person behind this great company

Angela : Thank you for your honesty but ill let the boss know ....but as of now am the one here

James : Thank you

Angela : Andrea Barnes

Andi : Yes miss Richards

Angela : Stay the rest of your can go

* All employees leave out

     **** Back at Eden

Zac : So this what we doing really fatima

Fatima : Silent

Derrick : Nigga you need to get your bitch ass outta here

Zac : Nigga ill fuck you up don't try me

Derrick : Nigga you in gone do shit

Fatima : Both of you leave now

Derrick : You really gone pick this nigga over me

Fatima : Derrick for the sake of Chelsea please go

Derrick : So you threatening our daughter's life now

Zac : Daughter ?

Derrick : Yeah nigga you heard me

Zac : You got a child fatima ?

Madam : Wtf is going on here

Fatima : I got it M

Madam : Ti you don't got it

Fatima : " holding back tears " Madam

Zac : Am gone go

Fatima : Zac wait

* Zac ignore her and made his way to his car an drove off

Fatima : you need to go and don't come back here

Derrick : Are you coming to see her

Madam : Nigga that ain't her fucking child ,she  broke up with her when she broke up with your bitch ass the only reason your still breathing is because of her .....Now get the fuck outta here before i make your daughter fatherless

* He left not saying a word

Madam : Fatima

Fatima : Not now M

Madam : Yes bitch now got your heart involved with these niggas now they got you fucked up

Fatima : My heart not involved M

Madam : Then why was his bitch ass kissing you

Fatima : Silent

Madam : look i know the history with you and derrick you just don't get over your first love that easy ....but i need you to remember all the woman he cheated on you with leading to y'all having that little girl .....the fatima i know wont let a nigga gas lightning her ass  get your head in the game
After zac left the club he was pissed he stop by the bar an had a few drinks ,but needed his fixed to release some so he made a call

Zac : Hey you home

Unknown : Yeah am home

Zac : Am coming over

Unknown : I dont think that's a good idea

Zac : Why not

Unknown : You know why

Zac : I promise she not go fine out

Unknown : How are you so sure

Zac : You trust me

Unknown : Always daddy

Zac : Then get that pussy ready for daddy am 30 minutes out

Unknown : She's always ready for you

Zac : Am on my way

* 30 minutes later

Zac was pulling up into the drive way ,unbeknownst to him he was being followed ...he got out his car drunk asf trying to gain his balance to locked up the car ...he made his way to the door an ring the door bell

Zac : Hey baby

Sabrina : Hey daddy !!

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