Chapter 3

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Karen : Zac

Zac : Hmmmmm " in his sleepy voice "

Karen : Who the fuck is this

Zac : What are you talking about

Karen : Who the fuck are these kids

* Zac took the phone from Karen and the place went silent for about 10 minutes

Zac : Those are my kids

Karen : Wtf you mean kids

Zac : I can explain baby

Karen : So you've been cheating on her with me

Zac : She an i meet 5 years ago ,we had a onenight stand and the twins are the results of that night

Karen : Were you ever going to tell me ?

Zac : Yes baby but i didnt wanna hurt you sorry

Karen : Are y'all still together

Zac : No we haven't been together in years i only found out about them 8 months ago

Karen : How are you so sure they are yours

Zac : I took a DNA test

Karen : Silent

Zac : Please say something baby

Karen : What do you want me to say i thought our baby was going to be your first child

Zac : Our baby ?

Karen : I'm pregnant zac

Zac : " rubbing his hands over his face " What ?

Karen : I found out 2 days ago i wanted to tell you but you've been mia for a week

Zac ; Am sory ummmm what are you going to do about it ?

Karen : What am gone do , zac i didn't make this baby all by my self

Zac : I never said that baby am here for you and what ever decision you make

Karen : I wanna keep this baby

Zac : Then i guess we're having a baby

Karen : Yes we are baby

* Zac picked her up and spin her around

Zac : Am so happy

Karen : I love you

Zac : I love you too

* Zac didn't have no clothes by karen so he told her he gotta go get ready for work so he left

         *****  Connie House

Zac : Wtf connie

Connie :Where the fuck you went nigga

Zac : Yooo chill with all that shit

Connie : Your ass in sh......cut off by a slap to her face

Zac : Don't fucking talk to me like that

Connie : Get the fuck out

Zac : I pay for this bitch so i leave when am ready ,where the fuck are my kids

Connie : They asleep

Zac : Okay ill stay as long as i want

Connie : You can see them ,but i need you to go after

Zac : So you could bring that nigga in my house

Connie : Your house , nigga this in your house .....this is my house an your not my man so get the fuck out

Zac " laughing " : Let me come back here an fine that nigga in here


Madam : what going on with you ?

Fatima : Nothing am fine

Madam : Its about zac

Fatima : You know about that

Madam : Girl I've been knowing y'all fucking

Fatima : Okay fine

Madam : Don't tell me you feeling this nigga

Fatima : I dont want too

Madam : Fatima

Fatima : What

Madam : you just meet him Ti

Fatima: I know

Midnight : there's a derrick here to  see you miss Wilson

Fatima : What does he want ?

Midnight : He didn't say

Madam : Handle that shit

* Fatima went to meet derrick

Fatima : What the fuck do you want derrick?

Derrick : Really fatima

Fatima : I dont got all day nigga

Derrrick : Fine let's talk about our daughter she's been asking about her mommy .

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