Chapter 13

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Its been four months since fatima last saw zac , so she's officially 5 1/2 months pregnant ......The pregnancy was ruff on her but hey she's the one who chooses to do this alone right

Zac did do the DNA test an turns out neither sabrina or connie kids was his so he was kids free , he try to track fatima down but he was unlucky in that area he try to ask madam but of course she declined his request

After he couldn't fine fatima he decided to stop an better him self before trying again ....he went to therapy an got him self together cause even if he did fine her that wasn't the zac she deserved so he did it for her but also for him self.

Fatima has been going to therapy to to deal with some of her issues ......She eventually leave the club work an went back to her lawfirm but she works from home mostly an today was just one of those days that she was having a mental break down so she book an appointment with her doctor

       **** The therapist office

Dr Rich : Hello fatima ,what can i do for you today ?

Fatima :" sigh " I don't know am just feeling down today

Dr Rich : An why is that ?

Fatima : I don't now

Dr Rich : Yes you do you just dont wanna talk about it

Fatima : I mean there is nothing to really to talk about

Dr Rich : Yes there is you just dont wanna admit it

Fatima : Okay fine i do miss him ,i thought about calling him but i dont know if i should ....he doesn't even know am pregnant , what if he's the same zac an dont want to be a father?........Dr Rich just sit quietly an let her express her self

Dr Rich : How do you feel after letting it all out ?

Fatima : Good i guess

Dr Rich : Now that wasn't so hard , but let me ask you this , do you think he has a right to know about his baby ?

Fatima : Yes ! But what if he denies my baby?

Dr Rich : How would you know if you dont tell him?

Fatima : Because i don't just want him to be apart of the babies life ,i want us to be a family .....she finally admitted

Dr Rich : Then tell him that fatima , tell him how you feel .

     •••••• two doors down in the same building

Dr Harper : Have you seen her since that day ?

Zac : No an its driving me crazy

Dr Harper : An how do you know she's pregnant ?

Zac : When i hugged her that day i could tell the signs was all there with the food that she eat an the drinks she was nauseous the old time

Dr Harper : Don't you think if she was she would have told you by now

Zac : I mean i don't blame her for not telling me i wasn't in the right state of mind at the times i was caught up in a love triangle battling three potential kids so i understand her reason for not telling me

Dr Harper : Accountability i like that

Zac : I wish i knew where to fine her ,she's about 5 months now " tears faling "

Dr Harper : Well from our sessions over the pass four months ill say your going to be a great father ,we started off rocky but i see how hard you work to get here ......i love this new zac i can see how much you loves her

Zac : I never said i love her ....he got defensive

Dr Harper : So you don't love her?

Zac : Silent

Dr Harper : Mr Taylor

Zac : Okay fine i do love her ....he finally admitted

Dr Harper : An all it took you was four months to say that

* They both laugh , Dr Harper has been trying to get him to express his feelings but he wasn't haven't it until today

Zac : You got me but i do love her an i want to make it right for my baby an her she deserves that

Dr Harper : Then go look for her

Zac : Thanks

* The two finish up their session just as zac was coming out so was fatima but neither of them seen each other since they was a step at each door .....Zac reach the parking lot before fatima of course cause she was having a little pain in her stomach he got into his car an drove off heading to the club

                 •••••••• Eden

Madam :What do you want Zachary ?

Zac : I know you know where she is please m

Madam : An why would i do that ?

Zac : I just wanna talk to her " teary eyes " I've been bettering my self for her an our baby but its killing me knowing that she's out there alone going through this pregnancy all by her self i just wanna be their for our baby even if she dont wanna be with me

Madam : But she never told you she was pregnant.

Zac : No she didn't but i know from that day an thats what's motivate me to be better not just for her but for my self an my son / daughter

* Madam has been keeping tabs on zac so she know he's in therapy an is living a better life , she's only been doing that cause she know her cousin is just being stubborn right now an would eventually called him so she needed to make when that time comes her cousin would be in safe hands

Madam : Look zac i wanna help you but i dont know how she's going to react

Zac : Can you at least tell me if she's pregnant or not  " voice cracking "

Madam : Zachary !!

Zac : When you see her just tell her that i love her an that am sorry for everything ,i made a few mistakes but she an i wasn't together cause she made it very clear more than once so technically i didn't cheat or her ......But my actions was unacceptable an i should have told her but i didn't an for that am sorry ....i never meant for any of this to happen .....please tell her even if she dont want me in her life please allow me be in my son/ daughter's lifes ......i never knew what its like to have a father so am just trying to be better than him

* Madam was shocked at this new zac she's never seen him this vulnerable ....Unbeknown to them fatima was coming to see her cousin when she over heard their conversation .

Madam : Am proud of you zac an am sure she will too .

Zac : I wish i knew that ....thanks for your time

* After zac left madam call for fatima

Fatima : Hello !

Madam : We need to talk now.

Fatima : I heard everything

Madam : I know i saw your ass on the camera standing by the door am surprised he didn't " laughing "

Fatima : " crying " Did i make the right choice?

Madam : Only you could answer that !

* Fatima stay Silent for a while when she saw him come outside leaning against his car crying

Fatima : I'll call you back .

A/N : Should she forgive zac?

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