Chapter 15

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Six months later!!!

Zac an fatima has been doing great they not officially together yet but they are getting their fatima thought it would be best to not get back together during her pregnancy cause she really didn't wanna be stress for the remaining four months that she had left to get her baby .....Even thought the act like a couple zac was okay with giving her the space an time that she needs , He's also been there for her an they baby making sure they were both doing okay .....Fatima was loving the new zac ,she's was proud of him for stepping up an being the man she always knew he could be an what turn her on more was seeing him in his dad element .

They both went to therapy together an individually ,zac learn a few things about fatima child hood trauma an pass relationships which give him a better understanding on why she's so guarded an scared.....she also learn a few things about zac too which is why he was acting out with all these woman , but when they both look at the situation they was just too broken people looking for love in all the wrong places ,an that brought them closer than they was before

Zachary build the nursery an surprise Fatima ,she had no idea he was doing that even thought he did it at her house she was clueless on his plans.....Madam an zac surprise her with a gender reveal/ baby shower an just as zac predicted they was having a daughter .......On January 1st 2024 Fatima welcome their baby girl .

On January 1st 2024 Fatima welcome their baby girl

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                             Wynter Aniyah Taylor

     Fatima's House - February 28th 2024

Madam : She's getting so big .....she said kissing her little cheeks

Fatima : Can't believe she's two months already

Madam : Damn you really did hate zac this old pregnancy " laughing "

Fatima : What? I didn't hate him i was mad at first yes but hate that's a strong word

Madam : Hmm her face is saying a different story ,did your DNA even fight ?

Fatima : Okay get out

Madam : Come on T you see this little girl face that's zac twin

Fatima : No she isn't that's my mini me

Madam : Nah you need to try again " laughing "

Fatima : Shut up Marilyn

Madam : Now see bitch i outta shot your ass infront my baby

* Wynter smiles

Madam : See she agrees with me

Fatima : Don't influence my daughter with your crazy ass " laughing"

Madam : Where is zac?

Fatima : New york he went to handle some business

Madam : So are you going to give that man a change or you still playing hard to get ?

Fatima : Am not playing hard to get " she roll her eyes"

Madam : So what exactly are you doing ? You know if that man finds someone else its your fault right ?

Fatima : Silent

Madam : Look I know the reason your holding back an i get that but yall been going to therapy an i can clearly see that its working ,y'all are happy playing mommy an daddy acting like yall not together

Fatima : We not

Madam : Damn bitch can i finish ?

Fatima : Sorry

Madam : As i was saying ,y'all acting like y'all not together , but i know you love that man so why not give him another chance?

Fatima : It might be too late now ,After the night at the club when we came here he cater to my needs " not sex " but he did everything an he was going to sleep on the couch but i ask him to cuddle with me an he did an before i knew it he told me he love me

Madam : An? She said hoping fatima didn't do what she think she did

Fatima : Silent

Madam : Bitch you didn't say it back ?

Fatima : It kinda came at me unexpected

Madam : What did he say?

Fatima : That's the thing he didn't say anything i was waiting for him to brought it up an nothing

Madam : Maybe he was just giving you the space an time that you needed

Fatima : I don't know but i feel bad i talk about it with my therapist but not him

Madam : So do you love him?

Fatima : No she lied

Madam : Hmm

Fatima : I think he's seeing someone thought he spent alot of time with his assistant Clair

Madam : Really ? Isn't he working on expanding his company ?

Fatima : Yes

Madam : Well maybe its just work

Fatima : That should be discussed at work not when he's home with his family the bitch has no damn respect

Madam : When he's home with his family?

Fatima : I mean he practically lives here since wynter was born he's been staying with us

Madam : Hmm an y'all not together?

Fatima : He's here for his daughter not me ....she got defensive

Madam : What ever makes you sleep at night , But why are you jealous?

Fatima : Am not ...she snapped

Madam : " laughing " Yeah you love that man

Fatima : Okay fine i do love him I've always loved him you know that

Madam : I know that but a bitch was exhausted waiting for you to say it

Fatima : Really M?

Madam : What bitch you been acting all crazy when all you had to say was " I love you too daddy "

Fatima : That's it get out " laughing"

Madam : You .....cut off by a knock on the nursery door

Fatima : Who tf in ......Hey you okay

Zac : Ummmm Yeah just wanted to see my daughter is that's okay

Fatima : Yeah sure she's not asleep

* Zac walked over to madam an took wynter from her not making eye contact with fatima , she noticed his energy was off but let it slide cause she knew its been three days since he saw his daughter so she an madam stepped out giving him some privacy

Madam : Bitch you think he heard us?

Fatima : Shit Idk his energy is off ,an i didn't say anything bad

Madam : Bitch you accuse that man of sleeping with his assistant

Fatima : Fuck

Madam : Just go talk to him

Fatima : Fine

*Madam said her good byes an left , Fatima went to the bar in her house an drink two shots of tequila ....she gather her thoughts an made her way back to the nursery just as zac was coming out cause wynter was knocked out

Fatima : Hey can we talk?

Zac : Is that what you really think of me ?

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