Chapter 5

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Two days later ..........

     Andi's Penthouse

Danni : Damn girl

Andi : I know right ,robin bought it for me

Danni : What kind pussy you got , i need a drink

* Danni pour everyone a drink but karen said she's gonna take some juice or water

The sistas cricle : Juice/ water

Karen : I don't feel like drinking that's all

Danni : Karen Mott ! Since when you don't feel like drinking?

Andi : Right !

Sabrina : Something you wanna tell us

Karen : Okay fine I'm pregnant

Everyone : what?

Karen :  I said am pregnant

Danni : I need something strong

Andi : Is it zac ?

Karen : Of course its zac andi

Danni : What did he say ?

Karen : He's excited about

Danni : Damn that was fast

Karen : What does that mean Danni

Danni : I mean its been what 3 months since y'all dating

Karen : What has that got to do with anything

Andi : Danni you need to stop smoking that shit

Danni : I like to be on my high

* Eveyone was in a deep conversation meanwhile sabrina was checked out ,pissed an heated

Karen : Brina you okay ,you haven't said anything

Sabrina : Am fine ummm andi can i use your bathroom

Andi : Yeah the third door to your right

Danni : Am i tripping or is she acting weird

Karen : Right

Andi : She's probably just tired it's been alot going on with kelvin

Karen : I thought they broke up 2 months ago

Danni : Right ,what y'all hiding

Andi : Nothing ,they've been trying to patch things up

          The Bathroom

Zac : Hello baby  

Sabrina : Don't hello baby me ,you got that bitch pregnant

Zac : Baby what are you talking about

Sabrina : Zachary don't play with fucking me ,get rid of it or i will ....she hang up

Zac : Fuck ,fuck


Madam : You good you barley said a word since the other day

Fatima : I'm good got alot on my mind

Madam : Zac

Fatima : Really M

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