Chapter 9

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Angela : Fatima!

Fatima : This can't be happening!

Angela : TI

Fatima : Its positive its say am four weeks

Angela : How do you feel about it ?

Fatima : I don't know

Angela : Are you going to tell him ?

Fatima : I need time to think Angela " fuck "

Angela : Just let me know if you need anything

Fatima : Thank girl I'll call you tomorrow

* Fatima finished up her call with angela and was just staring into space as the tears fall ,she was feeling zac but after finding out about him an connie some of the feelings she had for him was turn off she really don't know how to feel about having a baby with him she got up an did her night time routine an went to bed crying her self to sleep

  The next morning........

Fatima woke up by her alarm going off an its like her body changes over night she got up feeling nauseous an tired an her tommy felt stuff ....she got up an went to the bathroom just looking at the baby bump that practically grow over night ,she put her hands on her tommy and the tears started falling .....she called her doctor and schedule an appointment  , she did her morning rountie and made her way to the club cause her appointment was at 1pm

                 Club Eden

Madam : Hey

Fatima : Hey M

Madam : What's wrong with you ?

Fatima : Am pregnant " tears falling "

Madam : Bitch I've been knowing that ,but am confused to why your crying

Fatima : Silent

Madam : What's wrong tima ,you've always wanted to be a mom

Fatima : Yes i still do , but not like this

Madam : Am confused  , your feeling zac and your having his baby ....what's the problem?

Fatima : We not even together Marilyn ,plus he might already have two kids an only god knows how much more he might have " voice cracking " When i said i wanted a family i mean with someone i see a future with ,someone who's gonna love me unconditionally ....not this toxic ass relationship

Madam : So what are you going to do ?

Fatima : I called my doctor this morning and schedule an appointment

Madam : You not gonna do what i think you gonna do Tima

Fatima : Silent

Madam : After what you went through with derrick fatima

Fatima : I can't have this baby Marilyn

Madam : Fatima i dont think your thinking straight

Fatima : I am I've already made up my mind about it

Madam : So you did that without even telling him

Fatima : Since when your team zac

Madam : Fatima am team madam ,but am always gonna tell you the truth and this is wrong that's his baby too Fatima he should have a saying in it

Fatima : Actually he don't this is my body

Madam : Its clear i Can't change your mind about this but your gonna regret this when he finds out

Fatima : I gotta go

* Fatima know madam was right but her pride won't let her admit it , she made her way over to the hospital


Fatima : Hi am here for my appointment

Receptionist : What's your name ?

Fatima : Fatima Wilson

Receptionist : You here for Dr Jackie

Fatima : Yes

Receptionist : Have a seat please

* 5 minutes later

Receptionist : Miss Wilson you can go in now

Fatima : Thank you

             Dr Jackie office

Dr jackie : Hello fatima

Fatima : Hi

Dr Jackie : So what's brings you by

Fatima : Well i took a test last night an it says am four weeks pregnant ,can you make sure that i am please

Dr jackie : Okay we can do that ,am going need you to pee in this cup an am gonna need some blood

Fatima : Okay

* Dr Jackie took her blood and check her vitals and everything was good ,she leaves out and fatima went to pee in the cup

      .....30 minutes later

Fatima : " nervous" Ummmm is everything okay

Dr Jackie : Yes and according to your blood work you are indeed pregnant

Fatima : How far along am i ?

Dr jackie : Ummmm i would say 4-5 weeks

Fatima : Is it safe for an abortion ?

Dr jackie : Am sorry what ?

Fatima : " sighs " is it safe for an abortion?

Dr jackie : Fatima

Fatima : Please don't I've already made up my mind about this

Dr Jackie : Please just hear me out

Fatima : okay

Dr Jackie : Derrick made you had two abortions Fatima you almost died during both procedure ,if you do this you might not be able to have anymore

Fatima : Silent " tears falling "

Dr jackie : I don't know the reason behind this but i need you to think about this

Fatima : I have think about it

Dr jackie : No you haven't you said you found out last night its not even 24 hrs yet

Fatima : I can't have this baby.....she yelled

Dr Jackie : Am not talking too you as your doctor ,am talking too you as your aunty

Fatima : I know aunty but i can't keep this baby

Dr jackie : Please just think about this ,if you still feel like this in two days I'll do the procedure my self

Fatima : okay

Dr jackie : Would you like to hear the baby heart beat ?

Fatima : No

Dr Jackie : Okay i won't force

Fatima : I need to go

* Fatima got her self together an left the doctor office she sit in her car an cry for about 30 minutes ,she finally pulled off in the direction of someone she need to talk too .

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