Chapter 16

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Fatima : Huh ? She ask trying not to answer his question

Zac : Is that what you really think of me ?

Fatima : How was your trip ? She asking hoping it was direct his attention

Zac : It was good ,but that's not what i ask fatima

Fatima : Can i at least get you some dinner please

Zac : Yes fatima you can but this conversation is not over

* Fatima walk to the kitchen a got him a plate she made dinner before madam came over so all she had to do was heat it up , zac sit on the bar stool an watch her do everything but make eye contact with him he knew she was stalling . He wasn't mad at her he just wants her to express how she feels so they can move forward cause he was tired of not holding her in his arms

Fatima : Here

Zac : Thank you

Fatima : Ill take a shower an be right back

Zac : Fatima!

Fatima : I promise we will talk when am finish with my shower i just wanna clean up before wynter wakes up i dont wanna breastfeed her with my skin this dirty

** Understanding her he nod an she left the kitchen to go take her shower , fatima made it up stairs an run her self a hot bath she strip down naked an got into the tub an her mind went straight to her ,zac an wynter being one big happy family ...Meanwhile back downstairs zac was on the phone with clair

Clair : Hey zac i made it home

Zac : Okay am glade you made it home safe

Clair : Am sorry for calling you so late i know you spending time with your daughter

Zac : Its cool she's asleep now

Clair : How is fatima doing ?

Zac : She's good

Clair : Have you told her yet ?

Zac : No i haven't

Clair : Why not Zachary ,how long are you going to hold your feelings in ?

Zac : " Sighs " She thinks you an i are together

Clair : What the hell zac

Zac : I'll talk to her tonight i promise

Clair : Okay cuz love you an i can't wait to meet my little cousin

Zac : I love you too

* Just as zac said that he saw fatima on the stairs boring a hold into his face as she try to fight her tears , he try to speak but fatima was already skipping the steps back to her room ....fuck he said frustratedly he knew tonight was going to be a long night an convincing her that clair is his cousin an not his woman was gonna be harder than he thought . He made his way to her room an the door was locked he could hear the sobbing coming her room.

Zac : Fatima please open the door


Zac : Please just let me explain

* Silent

Zac : Please T i promise ill go if you want me to after we talk

* Fatima open the door an went back to sit on her bed with her eyes puff red , zac enter her room when he realized she was actually packing a small suitcase

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