Chapter 14

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Fatima was sitting in her car watching him and she  flet bad ,she put her hands on her stomach taking to god

Fatima : God am so confused right now " tears falling " Did i make the right choice? Should i tell him ? Should i forgive him ? Please give me a sign i need your help

* In that moment the baby started moving around

Fatima : Damn baby i was beginning to get worried for a second their mommy haven't felt you all day

* The Baby stop moving

Fatima : Wait God is this the sign your giving me ? She ask as if god gonna talk back to her

* Instead the baby kick

Fatima : You wanna meet your daddy ?

* The baby started kicking her repeatedly

Fatima : Okay calm down your hurting mommy

* The baby slow down but was kicking slight cause fatima was still sitting in the car not making an effort to move ......Atp she look at zac who was sliding down to the side of his car with his hands over his face .....Fatima took a deep breath an come out her car walking towards him ,but zac was so lost he didn't see her infront of him

Fatima : Zac!

* Silent

Fatima : Zac !

* Silent

Fatima : Zachary !!

Zac : Huh .....he rub his eyes twice to make sure his vision was clear an not blur......Fatima!

Fatima : Hey

* Zac spring up to his feet looking around wanting to know if he's dreaming then his eyes went straight to her stomach

* Without hesitation zac hug her almost throwing her off her feet ,as much as fatima wanted to stop him she couldn't she was craving that hug , well his touch she melted in his arms an hug him back tighter ....The two stood there for about 12minutes before pulling away

Both  : I'm sorry !!

Both : Its okay .....They laugh

Zac : I knew it......he said  " smiling "

Fatima : Knew what?

Zac : Huh ?

Fatima : You said you knew it

Zac : Did i say that out loud ?

Fatima : Yes you did

Zac : " sighs"  That you was pregnant.

Fatima : Did Marilyn told you ?

Zac : No i kinda figure it out the day we had lunch

Fatima : Why didn't you say anything ?

Zac : Well i wasn't sure at first your story almost sound convincing up until you try not to show that the salad was making you nauseous

Fatima : So you hug me for confirmation?

Zac : Well when you put it that way you make me sound like i was trying to detect your body

Fatima : I mean technically you did

* They both laugh zac couldn't stop looking at her an how beautiful she looks an how much she's gain weight in all the right places an the glow was breathtaking.....but his eyes keeps looking at her stomach

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