Chapter 10

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   Two days later...........

After visiting her grandma that day fatima has been thinking alot lately but is still confused on what to do ,apart of her still wanted to go through with the abortion and a part of her wanted to keep it she's meeting with doc jackie

     Emory University Hospital

Dr Jackie : Good morning fatima

Fatima : Good morning " sighs"

Dr Jackie : So what brings you by today

Fatima : Am here for the procedure

Dr Jackie : " sighs" so you still feel the same way

Fatima : Yes

Dr jackie : Are you sure this is what you want

Fatima : " tears falling " Yes

Dr jackie : Okay ill get Dr harmony she should be finishing up with her patient let me book you in

Fatima : Okay

* Dr jackie leave out and get fatima booked for her appointment which was set for the next 30 minutes ,she came back in hoping to change her niece mine

Dr Jackie : Your all set

Fatima : Okay

Dr jackie : fatim.....cut off

Fatima : Please don't " wiping tears "

Dr Jackie : Okay fine can you at least take an ultrasound an print you some pictures ......dr jackie knew exactly what she was doing

Fatima : I guess a few pictures won't hurt

* Dr Jackie got the machine set up and rub the jel on her stomach ,fatima was too zone out to see what her aunt was doing .......dr jackie rub the monitor on her tummy and the baby heart beat was all Fatima heard bringing her out of her trance

Dr Jackie : there goes your baby " crying "

* Fatima was silent looking at the little ting thing in her stomach ,the heart beat was doing something to her and Dr jackie knew her plan was working

Fatima : " voice cracking " Can you tell the gender of the baby

Dr jackie : Yes your 8 weeks

Fatima : Ummmm what's the gender

Dr jackie : Your having a little mini you

Fatima : Am having a little girl

Dr Jackie : Yes , she said excited

* Fatima starts to feel guilty so she tell her aunt to turn it off ,just as Dr Harmony was coming in

Dr Harmony : Hello miss Wilson are you ready

Fatima : Yes

* Dr Jackie heart broke

Dr Harmony : Okay lets get you to the operating room

* Fatima got up an follow Dr harmony to tell room, she got her settle in an hospital gown already on the table .....As Fatima lay their the baby heart beat was the only thing she could hear replaying in her head  , she always wanted a daughter an here she is about to throw her only chance of having that away

Dr Harmony : Are you ready miss Wilson

* Silent

Dr Harmony : Miss Wilson

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