Chapter 8

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Danni : Karen !

Zac : What the hell brina

Sabrina : That bitch deserves to fucking die

Danni : Wtf is wrong with you sabrina ,zac call an ambulance karen stay with me

Karen : Please make sure the baby is okay

Zac : Your gonna be fine ,stop talking an breath

Andi : Danni

Danni : Andi what is it ?

* Andi remove her hands from her black top showing the blood all over her hands

Sabrina : Andi ....she run over to her

Andi : Am sorry

Sabrina : Am so sorry too " tears falling " I didn't mean to ....cut off

Andi : Its wasn't your fault

Zac : The ambulance is here

* Both Andi an karen was rush to the hospital in the same ambulance which is against protocal but since they was both in serious condition the had to make a decision  .....the bullet went through karen hitting andi in the lower abdomen

After being in the hospital for a week both Andi an karen was doing okay but unfortunately sabrina got what she wanted cause karen indeed loose the baby ....but Karen wasn't about to let sabrina get off with killing her baby while she get to have hers.....Zac was hurt but happy at the sametime

    ****  Fatima's Pov ....

Fatima on the other hand got a new house an was moving in today ,she haven't talked to zac or derrick in two weeks

Madam : Wow this place looks nice

Fatima : Yeah i still got a little unboxing to do

Madam : I cant believe you move because of them niggas " laughing "

Fatima : Well I've been meaning to move they just make the process alot faster

Madam : What kind pussy you got you've been having these nigga hocked

Fatima : Really Marilyn

Madam : Bitch don't play with me

Fatima : Have you talked to connie

Madam : No why ?

Fatima : Zac was there the other night

Madam : Your man zac

Fatima : He's not my man " roll her eye's "

Madam : Keep living in denial ,but why the fuck was he there do they know each other

* Fatima tells her the story

Madam : So you think the kids might not be his

Fatima : I don't know what the fuck to think anymore

Madam : So what are you going to do i know you feeling him

Fatima : I was with derrick an he has a daughter you see how that turn out , zac might have two i can't deal with that righ now

Madam : Speaking of Derrick what's going on with you an him

Fatima : Nothing is going on

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