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Suan held the assault rifle with his one hand. He casually swung it, leaning to the side of his waist, as stainless steel/metal bullets escaped from the small mouth of the gun.

He doesn't need to assist it, only firing without any thoughts, disregarding the fact that the already wreak city turns into another mess.

The smooth sound from his bullets viz. to a person running maniacally in a straight direction, noise like air pumping a balloon with no hindrance made his ear in certain harmony along with living monstrosity of human wickedness.

He never gasps for breath, he enjoys killing the already dead people staring at him with sharp teeth and red swollen eyes, deathly pale skin with maggots squirming inside. Batch of holes in their skin, varying from small to medium where corpse insects peeks out, stained with their own dried blood.

Some of them, skulls are open, brains like mashed potatoes yet violet in color can be seen. Their stench is unbearable that people with weak stomachs will die due to too much vomiting.

Zeke watches Suan. His knee folded while the other was casually swinging. He sits at the roof of the truck with a hand on his right cheek and elbow in his knee, staring at the white haired youth turning back to being a ruthless person again.

His red eyes glinting with adoration however couldn't suppress the greed of obtaining him.

Soon. He will.

Zombies outnumbered them. Suan, as the only living person, was still busy raining bullets. Some zombies were on standby, ready to die for the sake of his anger to subside. They are watching on the side, growling softly as they watch him taking the dead one by one.

“Méiguī, don't waste bullets. I won't tease you again. I promise.” Zeke jumps down from the roof of the bus to coax Suan. Sadly, Suan was persistent in decreasing the soldiers of Zeke.

“You can laze around in the house then I'll be the one who will look for supplies, okay? Don't be mad anymore, please." It was his fault. Suan is too hard to decipher, his moods and emotions are sometimes non-existent but can be perceived to be there.

Zeke with his inhuman strength grabs Suan's rifle. He put it in his own shoulder using the strap then took the shoulder bag of ammos away from him. Suan can only let Zeke take away his baby. What can he do? Besides being a gun-con, Zeke's strength cannot be caked.

“Don't you treat me like a kid. Give it back or I will use the nucleus as a bullet to pierce your head." He repeats, Suan is not stupid to not know what Zeke is.

Zeke sighs. “You're wasting your bullets. Méiguí, around me, you are safe."

"No, I'm not safe from you." Suan instantly retorted.

He grabs the shoulder bag in Zeke's hands and takes the rifle by unbuckling the strap from Zeke's shoulder. He is now repenting to why he was instantly swayed by this madman. Although, advantage for his security, there's no benefits of letting Zeke stay by his side for too long.

“I won't repeat it again. Sorry, Suan.” Zeke's red eyes glowed. It glowed differently from greed, it glowed because of the tears that were forming on his eyes. The thick eyelashes from the eyelids and the lower gives a more pitiful aura.

“Although I'm stupid because I'm young, my brain is not small. Zeke, stop following me. Let's part our ways here.” It was Suan's rush decision. Rush decisions are good, you won't think second thoughts because you firmly decided to choose that decision in spite of the fact that without any proper thinking.

The tears that are supposed to fall now, stop. His red eyes kept glowing but tears were no longer there. “Can you repeat that?”

“I said let's part here.” There's them but no constant interaction and communication. They can be considered strangers living in the same house for three months but that's all.

I don't take pity on someone who can fend for themselves. He gives up something he wasn't sure was important to him to someone he knows that they can defend themselves to stay alive.

He wasn't sure if there's still a reason to stay alive.

“Y-you can't just abandon me!” Growls can be heard, yet his hoarse voice can make someone's knees bent.

Zeke clenched both of his fists, his head drooped down and his chest breathing unstably— To be honest, he is not breathing, it's all an act.

What does life supposed to mean? Apocalypse engulfed the modern era, only to vanish. From the scratch of nothingness to the long waiting human evolution of sophistication of life. Human life is a paradox. Pandora that cannot be open but can be explored?

How is happiness made? Because of the brain. How can we feel anger? Because of the brain. Why can we feel sad? Because of the brain. The dopamine, endorphin, oxytocin, serotonin. Everything is because of the brain.

So what's the purpose of life? Just to defend ourselves to hope one day humanity will soon be there again? To know and feel trust only to be betrayed? Then let's die.

Suan's will, like a normal person wanting to keep living, collapsed. He wants to know if his older brothers are still alive. He wants to know if the second parents he had are still alive. He wants to see them again. That's not too much to ask for his 17th birthday, right?

One human and One fake human, two meters apart, were staring at each other. One's silver gray eyes dulled while the other glowed in anticipation and fear. None of them moved. Like a statue, they didn't move.

Maybe because his amygdala is acting up again, even if he doesn't experience hardship in life, one cannot escape from overemphasizing ‘our’ own negative experiences.— A cold feeling, indistinguishable from the intuit of anxiety. From the soles of his feet, a crystal that gives cold and unnerving temperature slowly ascends, covering him around.

Suan couldn't help but to watch. It slowly, as if that thing is alive, rises up in a very careful manner just not to hurt the person that it will trap. He was mesmerized. His silver eyes revealed an innocent curiosity as his head tilted to the side, standing motionless.

What is this thing? It's cold, sharp and has a very pretty fading color. It looks sturdy and crystal like but not can be compared to the nucleus.

It slowly rises up more, trying to envelop him leaving spaces so he can move. Unexpectedly, as soon as it reached his neck, the cold white-blue to red crystal without warning trapped him.

What the fridge?

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