Wrong girl.

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⚠️Gore, language⚠️

I wake up my head throbbing. I try to move my hands and legs but they were tied up by a tight rope.

I move my head left right right left seeing all darkness. A tear slides down my cheek looking down but quickly shooting my head back up hearing some muffled voices.

I try to listen but im to far away. I use the tiny bit of strength i have to scoot closer to the voices trying not to make any noise.

-Scheiße Tom! Someone yells im german
-(Fuck tom)
- Du bekommen der falsch mädchen! The man yells again
-(You got the wrong girl!)

- Tut ist wirklich gegenstand! Another boy yells in german
-(Does it really matter!)

-JA CHEF IST WIRD TÖTEN UNS! The man yells again slamming his fists down on something.

I jump at the sudden sound accidentally nocking over something. It goes silent as i slide myself to a corner. I hear footsteps coming to the room. The door swings open peaking a bright light in the dark room. I hold my breath trying to be as calm as i can.

-Where the fuck are you? I hear someone says with a german accent.

He then turns his head to the dark corner im huddled up in and starts walking towards me. I wiggle my hands trying to get them free. He bends down level to my face, its to dark to see him but i can feel his breath. He sits there a bit until his phone vibrates. He gets up and turns around so i cant see his face as he turns on his phone. The little light showed he had cornrows with a black bandana.

I wonder what i look like. I finally get one hand lose as i go to untie my feet he turns off his phone. I quickly hide my hand behind my back.

-Scheisse. He huffs in german.

He walks back over to me and places his hand on my cheek.

-what do we do know. He whispers.

I reach in my back pocket grabbing my pocket knife.

-Now that your awake. He chuckles moving his hand to my neck.

I open my knife as i hurry and slash his face and graze his arm that's holding my neck. He groans loud falling on his butt and holding his face. I hurry and cut the rope on my feet. I get up and start running. I dont know where since it was to dark to see.

-You bitch! Tom screams getting up and running after me.

I find a door but it wasn't the same door that lead to the other man. I open it and feel around, A closet. I hurry and get it closing the door silently.

-WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU! He yells as i hear stuff knocking over.

I hear him walking towards the door as i hold my breath a tear sliding down. He opens the door as all i can see is his dark shadow. He grabs me by my hair and throws me on the floor, he slams the door closet and marches towards me as i try and use my weak body to get up. I stand up as he slaps me, but i keep my ground. I know he cant see me so i try and back up. He grabs my shirt and punches me hard as i fall to the floor, he kicks my stomach over and over until picking me up and slamming me against the wall.

-WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! He yells in my face rapping his hands around my neck.

I scratch his arms and kick trying to get free. Its starts to get fuzzy as he stops, i drop to the ground holding my neck and gasping for air.

-DONT YOU KNOW WHO I AM! He yells at me.

-NO BECAUSE I CANT SEE YOU DIP SHIT! I struggle to yell.

-You'll regret that. he says raising his hand.

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