I sit at the island rubbing over my knuckles thinking of what i just overheard. Nobody even the cops have found out i changed my name. But they did, who are they?
"Nova." I hear bill say from behind me as i tense up, did he know I was there? "Y-yea" i stutter not looking at him. He leans against the island on his arm so he can see my face. "I promised you a drive" he says leaning his body up. I couldn't help but admire his long torso. As he leaned against the counter his shirt went a little up showing a star on his lower right hip. He also had a skeleton hand on his with numbers on his knuckles. I noticed tom had numbers on his knuckles too but different.
I look outside as it was pitch black "Right now?" I say furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. He chuckles low "Nights are always the best" he says winking and patting my thigh before walking to the garage door throwing his keys in the air. I hurry and get up passing Ziggy who still sits on the couch and follow Bill out the garage door.
He passes his red car walking to the end of the garage which stood a black Ferrari with 2 lime green lines across it. He nods motioning me to get in as he slides in. I carefully get in closing the door. The seats were leather and the car looked brand new. "You like?" Bill says with a cocky smile seeing me admiring it. "I mean, it looks brand new" i say touching the dashboard. "3 years, we only use her for special occasions. Fights, missions, robs, etc." he says as i look at him "Well then why are you taking me in this?" I ask as he smiles shaking his head "Your special, i don't know what it is about you, but i want you to have the best time of your life" he says resting his hand on my thigh as i blush at his words.
Lyla, i hurry and take his hand off sitting perfectly straight. He looks at me weirdly but then shrugs opening the garage and starting the engine. He drives slowly down the road until we make it to a busy road. "Whatch this" he scoffs as i look at him confused. He pushes hard on the gas making us fly down the road. I squeeze my eyes shut breathing in deep afraid were gonna hit someone. Bill softly pats my knee "Open ur eyes, trust me." He whispers. I take a deep breath before slowly opening my eyes. Amazement crossed me as all the cars moved out of our way. I laugh in odd as people stare.
I roll down the window letting the freezing air spike my skin. Eyes closed I stick my head out the window with a big smile on my face. I look back at Bill his eyes were concentrated on the road with no emotion or fear in them. I noticed his perfect jawline and when he smiled it was like perfection. "You really like staring huh?" He says breaking me out of my trance, i realized i spaced off on his face as i quickly looked out the window again. He just chuckles.
We make it back to the house as i pull in slowly. I unlock the doors as Nova gets out Jumping a little like a bunny. I laughed as i got out walking towards her as a big smile was splattered on her face "Had fun im guessing?" I say putting my arm around her shoulder, she looks in my eyes making me stop. I couldn't hold it anymore. I slam my lips into hers pulling her neck while putting my hand on her waist.
She doesn't pull away as she raps her arms around my neck, i move my hands to her lower back before she parts catching her breath. She looks at me guilt in her eyes "I-um, lets get inside" she blurts out before rushing inside. I follow her upstairs as she goes into the bathroom. She clearly doesn't see me as she fixes her hair and shirt before walking out.
I rush downstairs and pull out the couch being careful for Ziggy. I give her a sweet smile while handing her a pillow and blanket, i lay 1 more pillow and blanket down on the couch.
"Bill?" I hear Nova say from the stairs. I look at her as she looks embarrassed "Can i borrow one of ur shirts" she says nervously as i chuckle "Mine will barely cover ur thighs, lets get you one of Toms baggy shirts." I chuckle walking towards her.
As i walked up the stairs with Nova i noticed she had no makeup on, i dont understand how she could be even more perfect.
We make it to toms room. I knock on the door but no one answered so i just opened it. I walk in as Nova walks behind me silently, not seeing tom i walk over to his closet opening it to reveal at least 100 hats And bandanas. I push them to the side grabbing a green baggy shirt with yellow writing on the front. I hand it to her as she smiles at me. She walks to the bathroom to put it on.
I walk to my room and take off my makeup and brush out my hair before i put sunglasses over my head. I walk out of my room as Nova walks out the bathroom. The shirt went all the way down to her knees. I laughed a little at how cute she looked. I noticed her staring at me with a kinda surprised expression with me having no makeup. I walk up to her putting my arm around her shoulder and walking downstairs.
We walk down stairs his arm around my shoulder, i kinda felt dumb as seeing i was in a huge shirt. But it was hella comfy, "Nova!" Lyla yells running to me as bill takes his arm off. She hugs me tight "Where were you?" She ask still hugging me "Oh we went for a dr-" "She was just getting ready for bed" bill cuts me off as i look at him confused. A smile grows on lylas face as she jumps in bills arm giving him a big kiss as he gently rubbed her cheek. I smiled at seeing how gentle he was with her unlike tom with ziggy. I also felt jealousy wash over me remembering him kissing me so suddenly, i thought of lyla in the moment feeling the guilt which made me part. But i ignore it walking over to the couch and sitting by ziggy also throwing the blanket on me as bill pulled out the couch for us to sleep earlier. He really is a gentleman.____________
CHAPTER 7 DONEE! Its going by so fast😭 so lets see what happens!! Also im grounded🤧 but my dad's letting me go to the fair so oh well! TSCHÜSS!!

My Kidnapper-Tokio Hotel-
Mystery / ThrillerThis is a fan book! Nova is a 17 year old girl from L.A. She is happy and is really good in school, though they think. She wasn't that known. Until she gets kidnapped by Formal Mafia boss Bill Kaulitz. Her popularity grows as of her getting kidnappe...