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I shoot the last person in the head. Where the fuck is she. Suddenly Tom comes running in. I look at him as he has a smile and nods.

We all run outside to the cars getting in. I look back as Nova lays in the back. Not what I expected. She was skinny to the bone and looked so tired like she was gonna pass out. "You need food." I say as she looks at me realizing I'm in the car. She smiles and nods. Even tho I kidnapped her, and hurt her. I still have this feeling towards her. A feeling to protect her. A feeling that is unstoppable.

We start the cars as the boys head home. But I go to a fast food. Getting nova a burger.

++*TOMS POV*++
We get home as she devours the burger. Like she hasn't ate in days. Cause she hasn't. I rub her back as she eats. Her body shakes underneath my hand. I confused take my hand off seeing as if I struck something.

The girls run out but stop seeing novas condition. "Oh my god." Lyla says covering her mouth. She runs over to nova giving her a big hug but making sure she did it gently. "I can't believe Aaliyah. I'm so so sorry." She says to nova. Nova shakes her head "Aaliyah didn't do anything." She says. There it was. Her voice, more higher and happier.

All the other girls hug her as she smiles. "Let's go get you in the shower." I say helping her up as she nods. We walk upstairs and to the bathroom. I turn on the shower the hot mist setting over my face. I turn back to her as she try's to brush her hair. I take the brush as I go behind her. Gently combing her hair. A tear runs down her cheek. I lay my head on her shoulder, wiping the tear. Her soft tan skin now pale and dry. "You're so beautiful." I say as she smiles and picks up the toothbrush. "You don't need to say that to make me feel better. I look like shit." She says putting toothpaste on it. "You're beautiful no matter what." I say checking the water. "Hey." She says to me "yea?" I say back "Where's ziggy? She wasn't with the girls" she asks as my heart and smile drop. "Um." I clear my throat trying not to break. "She's shopping." I say as she nods before brushing her teeth. I know I have to tell her sometime. But right now she has enough on her plate.

I watch her as she looks in the mirror. After she's done she looks at me. "I can't wait to get out of these clothes." She laughs as I walk over taking the bottom of her shirt and lifting it up and over her head. She looks at me as I tuck her hair behind her ears. I notice all the marks. "Nova.." I start but she stops me "I'm fine. I promise." She says as I look at her sadly before nodding and kissing her on the forehead. "Have a good shower." I say before walking out.

It all feels the same. Like nothing changed. But It did. All the trauma and ptsd that I already had piled up one by one. Evelyn tried to stop him but he wouldn't budge. He was cold and sharp. Silencing me as he did worse things than I could imagine. Though Bill and Tom would definitely do it too. I'm just grateful I didn't get raped. I was close but Aaliyah made an excuse every time. Causing her to get hurt. Knowing the girls there hated me but had my back at least made me think straight. Sometimes.

I slide to the bottom of the shower crying in my legs. I couldn't stop. The hot water burned the marks. And the big cut on my back soaked it in. I shake trying to catch my breath. I look up letting the water run on my face. When will it stop?
After I'm done I wrap a towel along my body. Looking in the mirror. Seeing the marks no one else did. I touch my neck with a hiss of pain. Someone knocks causing me to jump. I open it as Lyla stands there with some clothes. "Here, I don't think you wanna be in those dirty clothes again." She says handing them to me. "Thank you." I say low with a smile as she nods.

I close the door before looking at the clothes. A green sweatshirt that said "America eagle" and black leggings with clean underwear and a new bra that they must've bought. I slide on the clothes carefully. I look at myself in the mirror. Seeing how skinny I really was. Being starved really did something. I brush my hair after ringing it in the towel. I kept it down not wanting them to see my neck. I put on the socks that came with the clothes before leaving the bathroom.

I go downstairs as Tom smiles at me. "How was it?" He asks "It was really nice" I say, which was the truth and a lie. He walks with me to the others in the living room. Lyla sees me and makes room as I sit down. I tangle my fingers together as they turn on a movie. Lyla puts her hand on mine as I look at her. "You okay?" She whispers as I nod. She gives me the serious look as I shake my head. She grabs my hand and lead us out of the living room.

"Let's go outside and get some fresh air." She says grabbing three bottles of alcohol with some shot glasses and plastic cups. She takes her flip phone out texting all the girls before leading me outside. We sit by the little camp fire as she places the stuff down the other girls run out sitting down too. "Time to escape." Brooke says as sie claps. Lyla fills the cups and shots handing us each both of them. "I'm not old enough. I'm only 17." I say as they stop. "17? Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Nova. I thought you were 19 or 20." Sie says. "It's not like anyone's watching us." Brooke says as I look at the cup. "Ok." I say with a little smile as the girls cheer.


Trying to catch up!! Hopefully I will have energy to write more tonight! Love you guys, have a good day.

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