I wake up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I pill myself of the couch carefully so I don't wake Ziggy. I walk over to the kitchen almost tripping as i step in. "Good morning sleepyhead" bill says winking at me flipping a pancake. I give him a tired smile rubbing my eyes and sitting at the island. "Your cooking" i giggle "What, are you surprised." He says handing me a plate and a fork. I grab the butter spreading it on "You just don't seem like the cooker" i say grabbing the syrup "Im not" he laughs "I just felt like it." He says dishing more plates.
Gustav stumbles in "I smell food" he says running over, i giggle as he sits next to me grabbing the pancake and digging in. I can get use to this, i start eating as i hear 2 more feet come in. Of course it was tom and Georg. "Well good morning bed head" i say to Georg "Me bedhead? Check the mirror sweetie" he says as my face turns red. I remember i do sleep crazy so my hair must look like a birds nest. I run my fingers through my hair embarrassed "You look fine" Tom chuckles punching Georg in the arm. I gave him a weird look as he had a sweet giggle and his eyes felt happy nice and gentle, thats explaining the opposite of Tom. But I took his complement.
I wonder what happened to the Mean, smart ass, rough, annoying Tom. They sit at the table as all the other girls run in grabbing a plate and sitting down. I finish my food and rinse off my plate putting it in the dishwasher. "Im gonna get ready" i say walking out as they nod. "You can use my clothes!" Lyla says with a smile as I thank her with my eyes.
I walk up the stairs making it to bills room. I open the door and head to Lylas dresser. As i open it, it reveals a bunch of clothes and jewelry. I move past the dresses and grab a skinny black V shirt and some low waisted cargos. After i put them on i walk to the bathroom and searched to find her makeup bag. I brush my hair out and put it in a ponytail before patting some foundation and concealer on. I put a Little bit of blush and mascara before brushing my teeth and putting on light pink lipstick and lip oil. I put my hair half up half down with hair clip before starting downstairs.
"NOVAA" i hear brooke squeal as she jumps on me. "H-hi brooke" i giggle. She had her hair down and was wearing shorts with a teal tank top. "Do you wanna go shopping with me? I wanted the others to come with but there being lazy" she says pouting as i laugh "of course just let me get on my shoes" i say as she jumps up and down.
I slide on my shoes and a jacket since it was a bit chilly today. We said goodbye and left heading down the sidewalk, brooke hooks arms with me as we giggle and talk about drama while strutting down the sidewalk . We make it to a Café "Lets get some pumpkin muffins! It is going into fall and they are on the menu again" Brooke says licking her lips and i chuckle "Sure" i say also feeling a bit hungry. She smiles and grabs my hand running into the Café and to the front desk.
"Well hello Brooklyn, isn't it nice to see you." The lady says. She has strawberry blonde hair to her shoulders kinda like mine. "Hi Amy!" Brooke says "Could I have 2 pumpkin muffins, and two of my special drinks" Brooke says winking as Amy puts it in the computer "Okay that will be 11 dollars and 38 cents." Amy says putting out her hand as brooke puts the money in her palm. Brooke runs over to a table by the window as i follow her. "You smell that." She says as i shake my head in confusion "Its the smell of Halloween! Fall." She says with a big smile. I giggle, i enjoy fall too, its my favorite part of the year. But shed obsessed. "Here you go" Amy says placing two muffins and two drinks on the table "Thank youuu" brooks sings digging in. I nod at Amy with a smile as she looks at me worried before she puts on a fake smile. What was that about?
I took a bite of the muffin my mouth exploding with the flavors of pumpkin, spice, vanilla, and sugar. I groaned in delight as Brooke giggled still chewing down hers. I picked up the cup taking a drink, it was warm and sent a nice warm feeling down my throat.
——Time skips——
When we were done we went to a bunch
of different shops. Getting new clothes and jewelry, i found out Brooke spoke a lot of Japanese, i mean she's probably been here for a long time. When we get back to the house we join the girls on the couch bragging about all the stuff we got as they just rolled there eyes.
CHAPTER 8!! Also sorry the end was kinda rushed😭 anyway falls coming which means Halloweens right around the corner!! Im so excited, and i can't believe how fast this year went. Anyway tell me what ur gonna be for Halloween!!925 words

My Kidnapper-Tokio Hotel-
Mystery / ThrillerThis is a fan book! Nova is a 17 year old girl from L.A. She is happy and is really good in school, though they think. She wasn't that known. Until she gets kidnapped by Formal Mafia boss Bill Kaulitz. Her popularity grows as of her getting kidnappe...