I slowly open the door as it creaks. I see a far away light with Tom under it. Hes still Walking. I look around as it almost pitch black. It looks like a parking garage. There were big pulls in some spots we i caught myself almost running into it. I hurry and step back making my hills click louder than ever.
++*TOMS POV*++
I turn around hearing the distance sound of the clicking of high hills. It was to dark to see clearly but what i did see was a dark figure. I could tell it was a girl as she had her hand on her hip, her form, her high hills and her curly hair. "Hello?" I yell across as her posture straightens. He had a cigarette in her fingers as i saw the smoke rise. She put it to her lips and inhaled it. Since i couldn't see her i needed to get closer. As i take a step she walks to the side. The window light showed her curly blonde hair bouncing as she walked. It was in a pony tail as a red handkerchief formed into a bow was with it. My heart sinks as the red handkerchief flooded memories into my mind. It cant be, can it?++*NOVAS POV*++
I walk past a window as i notice Tom stops walking. He just stands there looking like he just saw a ghost. He then shakes his head as if he's telling himself no to something. He walks up nearby stairs as i take another puff the smoke filling into my lungs. It's disgusting, absolutely disgusting. How do people like this? It just tastes like some, gas, and has this sour, salty taste to it that stings the back of your throat. I flicker it with my finger to get off any left over ash and slowly head up the stairs.
As i get up theres a big window and 2 halls, one going left, the other right. I walk towards the window seeing the view. There was a big road going down a dusty street. You could see circles and a finish flag. This was a racing building. Why are they here? I hear a door close on the Right as i Jump a little. I look out the window one more time putting the cigarette between my lips before walking down the hall.
I make it to the room behind the one Tom was in. I walk in and see desks. This must have been a school. Except, theres blood. Like literal blood on the walls. And a lot of graffiti. One saying "Fuck the free world" I look to the left of the room seeing another graffiti. It was the same T with the two lines. I look at my necklace confirming it. "Huh" i huff.
"Tom calm down" i hear bill's voice in the other room. I walk over to the wall putting my ear to it. "No, you don't understand bill! She had the dream! The same dream as Kathryn! Do you understand?!" I hear tom raising his voice "Yes. I heard you the first time. But is that supposed to mean anything?" Bill sighs. Tom groans "Yes! Yes it does! It means that the night of the hospital, when you left her in the driveway, at night! Guess what she told me." I hear Tom say as bill goes silent "She told me there was someone watching her! It chased her! The doors were locked! SHE FUCKING BLACKED OUT BILL! Doesn't something connect! Huh! Think. Think Bill." Tom yells. "Its the same" i hear bill say low. "ITS THE FUCKING SAME!" Tom yells kicking something. I jump at the sudden noise my heart beating 10x faster. Hes Talking about me. My dream, what happened to Me. Why? What was so wrong or good with what happened?
"Jade." I hear a faint whisper say behind me. I scream and turn around seeing nothing. The other room goes silent as i hurry and get in the corner of the room. I drop the cigarette smashing it with my hill as i put my hand over my mouth. I hear the other door open as two pairs of feet walk out and down the hall.
I take my hand off my mouth as the footsteps fade. I get up slowly as my heart rate slows down. I peak my head down the hall seeing the cost is clear. Just breath Nova. Dont think about jade. I slowly walk down the hall trying to silent my hills. I walk down the stairs seeing Toms car is still here. I hurry and run out of the building to the car. I jump in a start it looking at the building before speeding away.
Haven't wrote a note for a while haha. So little warning, next chapter or the chapter after is gonna be CRAZYY. I got a request from a fan that's angry at Nova for kissing Bill. Im kinda mad at her myself. So i guess we'll see what happens.848 words

My Kidnapper-Tokio Hotel-
Mystery / ThrillerThis is a fan book! Nova is a 17 year old girl from L.A. She is happy and is really good in school, though they think. She wasn't that known. Until she gets kidnapped by Formal Mafia boss Bill Kaulitz. Her popularity grows as of her getting kidnappe...