I walk the dark sidewalks. It was like being nocked out, it was pitch black except for the few stars and street lights. I hide in the shadows trying to look invisible. The fresh smell after rain filled my nose as i smiled. Ive always liked how it smelled after a rain.
I turn a corner making it into a darker part surrounded with buildings. I never realized how big and cramped Tokyo was. I noticed a dark figure sitting on the curb. It was to dark to see much but i knew it was a girl from the hair and dress.
I carefully and cautiously walk over. "Hey are you okay-" the girl looks up at me. "Ziggy?" I say squinting my eyes trying to get a better look "OH MY GOD! ZIGGY!" I yell grabbing her shoulders. Her purple hair was all messy and her dress was halfway ripped off. She looked like she was beaten almost to death. Her face looked like it had been slaughtered along with the rest of her body. She had scratches all over and had no emotion. She just looked into my eyes, hers were swollen and red from crying with a big bruise on the right. She was soaked from the rain and was shivering as her lips were blue.
"WHAT HAPPENED! WEREN'T YOU JUST HOME?!?" I yell worried taking off my jacket and putting it over her shoulders. She doesn't speak as i help her up rapping her arm around my shoulders.
We make it back to the mansion quickly and quietly. I hear fighting from behind the door but walk in anyway for Ziggys sake. As i opened the door i saw Tom and Bill, they swing there head towards me then Ziggy. Ziggy looked down shivering as her teeth clattered.
"WHERE THE FUCK WERE-" Bill kicks Tom in his leg, he looks at Bill mad before clearing his throat. "Oh my poor darling! What happened" He says Hugging her as she stayed still. He whispered something in her ear. "Hey im gonna make you some tea and soup okay." I say softly as she thanks me with her eyes.
I walk to the kitchen turning on the kettle and grabbing some peppermint tea I saw yesterday. As i click the on button the water starts to heat up. Bill walks in walking to me, as he stands right by me i ignore him and reach in the cupboard to get noodles but struggle to reach. Bill stretch's his arm over me grabbing them and handing them to me. I give him a fake annoyed smile as i put the pot on the stove and filling it up with water. As i wait for it to heat up I walk over to the pantry, i groan "Wheres ur spaghetti sause" i say with an attitude not looking at him. "What did i do." He sighs, i ignore him "Where" i say again.
He walks over to me rapping his hands around my waist and flipping me so i look at him. Our faces were only inches away as i saw him glancing at my lips a few times. I gulp hard, "I will only tell you if you tell me what I did wrong" he whispers. His breath tingles on my neck as i tense up. "Well, you told me Ziggy was okay, and with Tom. Why did you lie." I say still annoyed but stuttering a little. "I saw how much you cared and i didn't want to worry you." He says pouting.
I scoff and push him off as he walks to the end of the pantry grabbing the sause and handing it to me. I give him a little nod for a thank you. "I thought you were making soup." Bill says sitting at the island as i pour the noodles into the boiling hot water. "I feel like she needs something to actually eat" i say still not looking at him as i stir the noodles.
"Where's ur seasoning?" I ask turning around. He smirks and points to the cabinet above my head. I open it revealing a but load of seasoning. I gasp as my love for cooking is feeding me. I grab the salt and pepper and put some in. After a little bit of stirring i add the sause knowing Bill has been watching me the whole time. I walk over to the fridge grabbing the parmesan and sprinkling it on.
I see Bills eyes widened as he licks his lips. "Theres more if you want" i say with a little smile grabbing the tea and walking into the living room. I hear bill rush over and dish himself a plate as i walk to the couch where Ziggy sits. "Hey" i say quietly trying not to startle her as she gives me a little smile. "I um..i made spaghetti instead" i laugh a little "It looks delicious" she says with as smile taking the plate as i set down the tea on the coffee table.
She ate it like she hadn't ate in days. I feel bad but happy i found her. "I need to go to the bathroom" i say getting up as she nods watching the TV.
I walk up the stairs passing the bedrooms until i hear talking from Toms room. I stop and listen as i hear my name.
"She doesn't seem like the cooking kind, but this is fucking delicious" i hear Tom exclaim while slurping. I smile while my cheeks turn pink "I know! Maybe i don't want her to leave." I hear bill say food in his mouth. "Ah about that" tom says as i hear shuffling. "So thats night when Mashedoma told us to.. you know, Kidnapp Nova. A few people saw and now theres police looking everywhere for her and us." Tom says a bit low as i hear more shuffling "So.." bill says waiting for him to continue "She has to stay, until it's cleared out" Tom says as i feel my heart sink "But tom, that can take years!And shes not even the right girl!" Bill says loud "Oh also it is. Jade Allison 16 year old goes missing and never gets found." Tom says throwing what sounded like paper as my heart stops at hearing that name "Thats nova, you can tell. We were looking for Jade Allison but Jade Allison changed her name to Novaila Robertson 2 years ago. She moved from New York to Los Angeles and changed her whole appearance. Brown to blonde, different style, she even use to wear contacts. I don't know why but it must've been bad" He says low. "But-" bill starts before tom cuts him off "Do you wanna get caught?" Tom says sounding more mad. I gasp at hearing everything. How the fuck did he figure this out, and what did i do to get kidnapped? I wonder as my eyes start to tear. The room goes silent as i run to the bathroom and lock it.
I hear Toms door swing open as i hold my mouth. "Hello?" I hear him yell. After a bit he shuts the door going back inside. I hurry and go to the bathroom than walk back out into the hall.
"Jade.." I say quietly rubbing the scar on my hand.
OKAY CHAPTER 6! What do you think? Do u think they know its her?!?! What will happen?!?? But remember text me if you want something to happen! Also i have horrible grades😭 BYE!1140 words

My Kidnapper-Tokio Hotel-
Mystery / ThrillerThis is a fan book! Nova is a 17 year old girl from L.A. She is happy and is really good in school, though they think. She wasn't that known. Until she gets kidnapped by Formal Mafia boss Bill Kaulitz. Her popularity grows as of her getting kidnappe...