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I wake up gasping swinging my head left to right. Darkness surrounds me as i breath heavy. I sit on a chair as my hands and feet were tied to it. I rock my body back and forth before falling on my back with a thump. I groan in pain as I hear a door open. Light peaks in showing im in a basement. I hear 2 pairs of feet walking down the stairs as i hold my breath. Suddenly someone grabs the chair swinging me back up as my face meets Bills. I cant see his face that well but its like his eyes were glowing.

He stared at me intensely. His rusty eyes gazing at me made me feel in danger but safe at the same time. Suddenly a bright light flicks on as i squint my eyes with a cringe. Bill backs up putting his hands in his pockets while Tom stood by him hands behind his back. Bills hair was slicked back as his face was pale. His cheekbones and jawline flexed as his eyes were traced with eyeliner and black eyeshadow. I assumed one of the girls did it since it was very well done. His eyebrows fierce with one of them up. His eyebrow and snakebite piercing glistened in the light as his face was straight yet intense. He wore a tight black long sleeve shirt that showed his long torso with black trousers and a belt. Sliver chains hanged from his pants and neck as he had many rings and ear piercings.

Tom had on a black patterned sweater that showed off his muscles and some baggy parachute jeans with a belt. He had on a black and white bandana at the start of his cornrows as he also had a few necklaces and rings. His golden snakebite shined as his eyes looked more worried than intense.

Bill looks at Tom raising his eyebrows. Tom nods glancing at me before heading back up the stairs closing the door behind him. Bill just stares at me as the only light is the little light Tom turned on. Other than that it was all black that surround me. I hear the garage open and cars start. I look at Bill, more fear on my face as an evil smirk grows on his. He bends down so hes face to face with me placing his hands on my knees "Dont worry, i wont hurt you." He says in a comforting voice "If you answer me correctly." His comforting act drops. He puts a cigarette in his mouth grabbing a lighter. He burns the end still staring at me in the eyes. He blows it out in my face the flame still on as i squeeze my eyes together while holding my breath. He then puts the lighter to the side of my wrist. I flinch as the heat radiates onto my wrist. He turns it off. "So, where did you get that bandana?" He asks taking another smoke. "Why should i tell you." I spit as his face twitches. He turns on the lighter burning my skin. I yelp in pain squeezing my fists together. "Now, were gonna try this again." He says low with a smirk at my pain. He fixes his position getting more comfortable. He puts his face closer to mine. Im surprised i didn't smell the reek of alcohol come from his breath this time. He has complete control of what he's doing to me right now. "Where, did you get that bandana" he says so close his breath goes down my neck. I breath angrily my face scrunched as i feel my skin still burning from before. "Answer me Damit!" He spit in my face as i squint my eyes. I take a deep breath before opening my eyes. His dark gaze meets mine. I feel something just entered my body taking away my fear.

My eyes too turn cold as i look at him through my eyebrows. I smirk as gets up angrily huffing. He turns around grabbing something off of a little table. As he turns back around as he had a syringe im his hand. He also had a little gold plate with a little bottle on it. Its liquid was white almost gray. He leans back down setting it on a little tray. He takes the syringe sucking up the liquid in the bottle. The needle as long as my pointer finger. Thats when my fear comes back in. He leans closer with a tiny rope in his hand. He raps it right under my elbow tight. My veins show as he smirks. He picks up the syringe looking at me.

"Passenger seat." I say as he smirks "What car?" He asks tapping the syringe causing some Access liquid to drip off. "It has green lines on the side that glow. Its in a dark corner in the garage." I say with a little emotion "Ah, the Autotokio. And why were you in there?" Bill asks setting the syringe down, "I was having these, horrible nightmares. And Tom woke me up. I explained them to him and he started acting weird and said he had to find you and the boys. He got in his car a drove off. I let my interest take over so I waited for him to drive off before i got in the car. It was so weird. All the things were unbelievable. And the bandana was just there. So i put it on." I say fast in fear as he raises an eyebrow "And where did u follow him too?" He says amused "To an abandoned building. Where the race was held." I say. My legs start to hurt as the muscles were tightening from being tied for so long. "You were there too." I say moving my feet. His smirk fades as he sits closer. "How did we not see you?" Bill asks as I bite my lip. "Tom did. But he didn't know it was me." I say low as Bill furrows his eyebrows im confusion "What do you mean not you?" I dont answer as i move my hands and feet. He takes a big puff of his cigar before grabbing the lighter. He puts it on the side of my hand again. He turns it on as my hand twitches. I hold my breath as he just leaves it there. A tear runs down my face as i exhale. "Ok! Ok!" I yell as he stops. I cry softly as he smiles crossing his arms. "I didn't look like how i usually look. I had on a leather jacket and leather pants. My hair is curly. And it was in a ponytail with the bandana around it. I was also smoking a cigarette which i dont do. He also couldn't see my face. But he saw my hair and bandana. He just, stood there. I thought i got caught but then he ran upstairs" i blabber out. "Thats why he was acting strange. And why i smelt smoke. And that little scream was you?" Bill says as i nod another tear running down my face.

"What did you guys mean by, the dream? Tom was freaking out about it saying..Evelyn had it?" I say looking up at him as his face turns straight. His cold eyes seen to have a little sadness and anger. He clenches his fists taking a deep breath. "What happened. In that dream." Bill asks "Tom told you-" "Just tell me!" He cuts me off "I woke up in a cottage. And, i was in a dark room. There was something or someone in there with me. I felt uneasy and not safe. So i ran to the door. Which felt like forever to get too. When i opened it, it was like a normal cottage. But it didn't feel right. Then i felt something touch me. Which was tom." I say "What did this, cottage look like?" He questions "Same one i was in when you kidnapped me. Again." I say as his lips part.

"You said 'dreams'" he says as i nod "Right. But i dont believe it was a dream. Tom also told u this one." I say "Just tell me. You should now this by now." He says annoyed.

"That night when we got back from the hospital. When tom didn't come back. You dropped off Lyla and started to drive out. I ran to your window to ask where you were going. And you said 'on a drive' when you left i felt someone or something staring at me. I looked around but saw nothing. I then was about to walk inside when i heard a branch snap. When i turned around a figure was chasing after me. I ran to the door but it was locked. And as much as i banged and yelled no one opened it. So i ran to the side of the house and saw a window. But that was also locked. Then i felt breath on my neck before it went dark. It all felt so real" i say as he licks his lips "Thats because it wasn't a dream. I remember you talking to me that night." He moves the tray away and sets down the lighter. "Tom told me you were talking to a lady. You disobeyed me." Bill says taking another smoke. "What jeans were you wearing then?" He asks "Why?" "Just what one's?!" He yells "The ones im wearing." He nods and and gets close going through my pockets. I pulls out a little chip. It had a little microphone on it and a tracker. Bill throws it on the ground smashing it with his heel. "Tom believes you blacked out. But, the others claim you came inside and when right to bed." Bill says blowing out smoke. "But it's something much different." He leans down by me again. "Have you been hearing whispers?" He asks.

Im telling him too much. "No." I say as he sighs. "I hate liars." He says says inhaling the smoke. He breaths out before placing the end of it on my collarbone. I let out a hitched breath as i squeeze my eyes together. "Did you know Hawkins before that night?" He asks as my eyes water. "No, stranger." I lie again breathing heavily. His eyes lower into a death stare as his eyes were emotionless. "Did he try to rape you?" He asks "No." im not sure if that was a lie or not. He forced me to kiss him and i knew he wanted to rape me. But he didn't.

He sighs shaking his head and clicking his tongue. He tightened the rope on my arm again making my veins show even more. He grabs the syringe and presses it against my skin hovering over a vein. "I dont like liars" he says before putting the long needle into my skin. He put the liquid in before taking it out. He cleans it with a wipe. My body starts turning really warm my fingertips and toes cold. Pain starts in my stomach as I cry. It feels as if i have a baby thats eating me from the inside.

I cry arching my back as he watches smiling "Please." I cry "Stop." I plead as he stands still and quiet. My eyes start to get heavy. I try to keep them open as Bill grabs another syringe sucking some other liquid in it. It starts to get blurry as he sticks it in the same vein. Then it goes black.


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